3d printing

Whoa, a 3-D printed steel bridge!

mx3d 3D printed steel bridge

3-D printing is certainly stirring the imaginations of people everywhere. A company located in Amsterdam, Holland called MX3D is using multi-axis industrial robot arms to eject molten steel to build a bridge across the Oudezijds Achterburgwal canal in Amsterdam by 2017. Yes, that’s right, a 3-D printed steel bridge. It is also notable that this […]

Whoa, a 3-D printed steel bridge! Read More

Clear Vision Optical Aspire Eyewear eyeglass frames review

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Innovation in eyewear isn’t really a topic that those of us in the tech and gadget field keep track of. Other than changes in frame styles and lens quality, eyeglasses look and perform the same way they have for decades. At least that’s what I thought until I was contacted about Aspire Eyewear, a new

Clear Vision Optical Aspire Eyewear eyeglass frames review Read More

MakerBot available in some Home Depot stores

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If you visit certain Home Depot stores in California, Illinois, or New York in the next few months, you may notice something new on sale that could prevent you from having to go back there for little widgets and such: they will be stocking three models of MakerBot 3D printers in those states soon! For Gadgeteers,

MakerBot available in some Home Depot stores Read More

Will 3D printing turn the average Joe into a digital luthier?

printed guitar

For years I dreamed about building my own guitar, which more recently turned into a dream to build my own ukulele. I even dabbled in the craft by putting together a mini electric guitar from a kit that I purchased from Stewart McDonald. Unfortunately it turned out to be a wall hanger and not a playable instrument.

Will 3D printing turn the average Joe into a digital luthier? Read More

Your friends may flip-out when they see the D180 Folding Pen

3D Printed Concepts D180 Folding Pen

Do you find that you never have a pen handy when you need one? Do you find that when you do carry a pen it is either too big to fit in your pocket or too small to use comfortably? The D180 Folding Pen, a Kickstater project from 3D Printed Concepts, hopes to change that.

Your friends may flip-out when they see the D180 Folding Pen Read More

You’ll soon be able to pick up a 3D printer at Staples

cube 3d printer staples

Staples is the first major US retailer to announce they’ll be selling 3D printers.  In June, Staples will begin offering the Cube 3D Printer from 3D Systems in some select stores, but you can order a Cube 3D from Staples online now.  They are offering the printers for $1299.99.  The printer is “ready to use

You’ll soon be able to pick up a 3D printer at Staples Read More

3D Printer + Snow = Signal Snowboards

Signal Snowboards have done something really cool… they have created the worlds first snowboard using a 3D printer. The video above shows the 3D print and build process where they construct the board like a puzzle. After it’s completed, there is a great action sequence of the snowboard and rider blasting down a Colorado mountain.

3D Printer + Snow = Signal Snowboards Read More

Portabee – 3D printing gets cheaper and more portable


I have no idea what I would make if I had a 3D printer at my disposal, but I just know I want to play with one… The new Portabee 3D printer is an attractive option because it’s reasonably priced at $480 unassembled (don’t worry, there’s no soldering involved and only takes a couple of afternoons

Portabee – 3D printing gets cheaper and more portable Read More

Choc Edge 3D Chocolate Printer

Just a little too late for Easter, but Choc Edge has just released their 3D chocolate maker.  We’ve covered 3D printers before but most of those just make inedible plastic models. Using CAD/CAM software you can extrude 3D chocolates into whatever shape tickles your fancy. The first 10 machines will be auctioned on Ebay and

Choc Edge 3D Chocolate Printer Read More

3D Printed Guitars Rock

3d Printed Guitar 2

Olaf Diegel from the Auckland University of Technology in Auckland, New Zealand is exploring the limits of 3D printing technologies and applications. Some of his projects are shown on his ODD website.  Case in point his Spider electric guitar which is cut using a EOS Formiga P100 (which I’m guessing is probably a little out of the price range of

3D Printed Guitars Rock Read More