Audioengine A5 Speaker System

When you listen to music, your listening experience will only be as good as the earphones or speakers that you have connected to your audio device. We’ve all owned junky earbuds and crummy little speaker systems that have static or bland sound. After awhile you get used to a mediocre experience, which is too bad

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Gennum nXZEN Plus 5500 Bluetooth Headset

My first Bluetooth headset review was of Bluetake’s BT400 G5 Bluetooth headset. Like most products, there were things I liked, and things I didn’t. But now that I have a little experience with headsets, I’m ready to do review #2. This time I’ll be looking at Gennum’s nXZEN 5500 Plus Bluetooth headset. Wow, that was

Gennum nXZEN Plus 5500 Bluetooth Headset Read More

Julie’s Gear Diary – 2006-03-16

I’ve been trying out two different PalmOS software titles from a company called ShSh Software. The first one is 2day. This application is an excellent do everything “today” style application. In addition to displaying your upcoming appointments and tasks, this app can also be used as launcher and will display the status of your Emails,

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