PyroPro MP3 Player Review

Product Requirements: Device: Palm V/Vx PyroMic.prc        37k PyroPlayer.prc    132k PyroPower.prc    22k PyroProFile.prc   65k Desktop: Windows 98, 2000, ME Free USB and serial port Can we all agree that Palm, Inc. is pretty much the creator of the handheld PDA as we know it today? They came first and several others have followed in their footsteps.

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Brando Workshop Protector Plus Review

Product Requirements: Screen Protectors are available for the following devices: Palm III/IIIc, Palm m100/105, Palm V/Vx, Palm m500/m505, Visor Deluxe/Platinum/Prism, Visor Edge, Clie 300/320/500, Clie 600/610/700c/710c, Handera 330, Compaq iPAQ, Casio E-125 By now, most of you probably know how strongly I believe in putting a screen protector on every PDA I own…even the PDAs

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Vaja Custom iPAQ Case Service Review

Product Requirements: Device: Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC “Build Your Own Case”… I really like the sound of those words. They mean that there is an opportunity to create something that will be exactly the way that you want it. You can pick the color you want, the style that you want, basically every detail will

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Times2 Tech 128MB Upgraded and Improved iPAQ Review

Product Requirements: Device: Compaq iPAQ 3600/3100 Series Updated 09/22/01 – new comments are in RED Compaq created a monster when they produced their new iPAQ Pocket PC last summer. Intrigued by its futuristic shape, multi-media capabilities, fast processor, and promises of expansion; hundreds of thousands of ordinary people gave the new PDA a chance. A

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Palm m125 Review

Product Requirements: Desktop: IBM compatible 486 PC or higher running Windows 95/98/2000/NT 4.0 or Macintosh PowerPC running OS 7.5.3 or later One available USB port** 30MB free hard disk space 16MB RAM for Windows(64MB recommended for Windows 2000) 6MB free RAM for Macintosh CD-ROM drive ** Windows 95 and NT 4.0, or serial connectivity, require

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McDeb\’s Custom Pocket PC Skins Review

Product Requirements: Device: Any Pocket PC device What do The Citadel, Bass Brewers and The Gadgeteer have in common? We have all had Custom Skins designed for us by Debbie McCormick!        These skins appear courtesy of WebMcDeb Debbie has also created custom skins for the Democratic National Party, Standard and Poors, CNN, Dale

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