Palm m125 Review

Product Requirements: Desktop: IBM compatible 486 PC or higher running Windows 95/98/2000/NT 4.0 or Macintosh PowerPC running OS 7.5.3 or later One available USB port** 30MB free hard disk space 16MB RAM for Windows(64MB recommended for Windows 2000) 6MB free RAM for Macintosh CD-ROM drive ** Windows 95 and NT 4.0, or serial connectivity, require […]

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McDeb\’s Custom Pocket PC Skins Review

Product Requirements: Device: Any Pocket PC device What do The Citadel, Bass Brewers and The Gadgeteer have in common? We have all had Custom Skins designed for us by Debbie McCormick!        These skins appear courtesy of WebMcDeb Debbie has also created custom skins for the Democratic National Party, Standard and Poors, CNN, Dale

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Cant Stop the Riot for Pocket PC Review

Product Requirements: Device: Pocket PC OS Device, uses 164K If you are a fan of  bubble-blaster type games, then you know that there are a plethora available on the market. I would almost have to question the wisdom of any company for bringing out yet another one…unless that game was either free, or had something

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Swiss Army Broadcast PDA/Cell Phone Case Review

Product Requirements: Device: Palm III series (not including IIIc), Palm VII series, Palm V series What is the first image that comes to mind when I say the words: Swiss Army? For me, I think of those nifty red pocket knifes with a multitude of blades (I love the tweezers!). What about PDA cases, did

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HATcker 101 Review

Product Requirements: Device: Palm V/Vx H101HackV12E.prc – Hackmaster extension 4k H101V12E.prc – Control Panel 7k Keyboards for PDAs have become extremely popular lately. The Stowaway folding keyboard is pretty much king of the hill at this point in time, but other interesting input solutions seem to be popping up every day. I recently reviewed the

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