DaysAgo Digital Day Counter

“Don’t worry honey, I just fed the dog for today”
“Um.. I already fed the dog two hours ago!”

This type of conversation is a common one in my household. From feeding the dog to cleaning out the fridge, it can be complicated to keep track of it all. When I saw the DaysAgo timer, I knew that I had try one as soon as possible, so that we could stave off potential canine obesity in my household.

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Keyspan TuneView for iPod

I have reviewed several different iPod docking stations that allow you to connect your 4G or 5G iPod to your TV or stereo. These docks typically ship with a small remote so that you can adjust volume and move forwards and backwards through tracks and content while you are sitting on your couch. I’ve almost always run into the problem where I would like to navigate to a specific song and to do so, it requires me to get up and walk over to the iPod so that I can see the display / menus. Thanks to the folks at Keyspan, that will no longer be necessary.

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Victorinox Travel Companion 2-Way Carry Horizontal Tote

Ah… bags. Yes, it’s an addiction. Got a million of them in the attic, many gathering dust. I buy them, use them, find something better and then move on. My requirements for a gadget bag are simple: lots of pockets and/or compartments, have rough dimensions of 10-12 inches long, 7-8 inches tall and 4-6 inches deep. The CityWalker and Europa Field bags are both excellent examples of the kind of bag I love. I use the Europa to tote my Fujitsu P1510D laptop to work every day, but for my travels this year I decided on a new bag. A beautiful, black and compartmentalized bag from Victorinox called the Travel Companion Horizontal Tote.

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