Watching Movies

I joined Netflix yesterday. Yeah, I know it seems lame to be excited about something that has been around for a long time now, but it doesn’t take much to excite me. Why did it take me so long to try it? Well, I’ve been a DirecTV subscriber for eons. Over the years, with price […]

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Verilux HappyLite Mini Ultra

Light therapy devices seem to be gaining in popularity these days. Having just reviewed the Litebook Elite, I was happy to take a look at the Verilux HappyLite Ultra Mini – a similar product. Unlike the Litebook, the HappyLite is not really a travel device as it does not have a rechargeable battery. It is better suited to remaining plugged in and on your desk.

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Let It Snow

We had 6 or so inches of snow today! Thought I would share some pictures that I snapped about halfway through the storm. I love snow when you can look out at it from inside a nice warm house ;o) Speaking of which, the high temperature here today was only 15 degrees! SHARE ON TwitterFacebookPin

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Litebook Elite

This time of year I always tend to feel a little blah. It’s not surprising due to the fact that the winter months here in Indiana can be cold (it is 13 degrees here today), damp (it’s snowing right now too) and gloomy. I get up and go to work while it’s still dark outside, then come home and sit in my basement office working on reviews all evening. That leaves pretty much no time to soak up any natural light. For some people, these winter doldrums can turn into S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder). While I don’t think I actually suffer with that particular problem, I didn’t turn down a review of the Litebook Elite when it was offered to me.

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Ultimate Ears Super.Fi 5 Pro Earphones

Have you ever compared items, in general with the same basic functionality, and wonder why item “B” is so much more expensive than item “A”? The classic example, which many people can relate to, is shoes. Are the shoes marketed by a professional athlete and sold for $140 that much better than the ones sold at your local department store for $30?

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Astraware Cake Mania – Palm OS Game

There seem to be two major groupings of “running a business” simulators. Those where you make decisions, set things up, then let run (such as DopeWars) and those that make you hustle to keep up with all of the things going on, like Lemonade Stand or Insanaquaium. Astraware’s Cake Mania is definitely one of the latter!

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Once Upon a Time

This summer, The Gadgeteer will hit a major milestone in its history. It will turn 10 years old. It’s really hard for me to believe that I’ve been writing reviews for a decade! But at the same time, it sorta feels like only yesterday since I started this site. It wasn’t like I was new

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