
Watch out, Anki’s cheeky little robot Cozmo now has a brother and he speaks Alexa!

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NEWS – The loveable, cheeky, teachable (sort of) and attitudinally challenged robot Cozmo now has a brother—a smarter, more engaging and even more teachable sibling. Anki has upped the AI bar with the new small personal robot, Vector. Vector’s name may not be as funny as his older brother’s, but Vector has two years worth

Watch out, Anki’s cheeky little robot Cozmo now has a brother and he speaks Alexa! Read More

Meccano Erector M.A.X. Robotic Interactive Toy with A.I. review

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I have two young sons, 7 and 5, who are obsessed with building.  Legos, old sets of Lincoln Logs, boxes, whatever.  They are constantly building and creating things.  Recently my 7 year old started getting into robots so when I saw the Meccano M.A.X. robot erector set I knew it would be a hit.  I

Meccano Erector M.A.X. Robotic Interactive Toy with A.I. review Read More

Cozmo is a robot with a big brain and an even bigger personality

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“A robot’s primary function is to obey.” If this is true, then Anki’s Cozmo robot fails—and fails spectacularly. When I first saw a YouTube video featuring Cozmo, my first reaction was “Is this thing too cool or what?” Cozmo is a robot with a mind of its own coupled with a major attitude. This Wall-e

Cozmo is a robot with a big brain and an even bigger personality Read More

Get blinded with science from your very own mini Professor Einstein robot

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I can’t decide if this animatronic robot is creepy or cool, so I’ll let you be the judge. Professor Albert Einstein by Hanson Robotics is a 14.5-inch tall robot who can teach you science. He can make over 50 facial expressions, maintains eye contact, quotes Einstein himself, tells jokes, challenges you to games, chats, and

Get blinded with science from your very own mini Professor Einstein robot Read More