
NOMATIC Notebook and Planner have useful added features

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NEWS – We’re big fans of notebooks, journals and planners here at The Gadgeteer, especially ones that have unique, extra features, like the NOMATIC Notebook and NOMATIC Planner.  Both of these notebooks are 5.5 x 8.75 inches and include whiteboard paper, three bookmark ribbons, dual elastic straps, pen holder (see photo above), back pocket, perforated […]

NOMATIC Notebook and Planner have useful added features Read More

Baron Fig’s latest notebook helps track your habits

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NEWS – In the last couple of years, we’ve reviewed several products from Baron Fig’s line up including some of their notebooks and pens. I’m always interested in seeing what new ideas they come up with and their newest product is the Clear Habit Journal. This cloth bound hardback notebook features an open flat design and

Baron Fig’s latest notebook helps track your habits Read More

You’ll never forget where you’ve been with this notebook

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NEWS – The Stitch Travel Notebook from Chasing Threads is an A5 leather notebook cover with a 120 page lined insert. What makes this leather notebook cover special? The cover has an outline of the Earth’s continents. The cover also has tiny perforations where you can sew little X’s like needlepoint/cross stitch to mark locations where

You’ll never forget where you’ve been with this notebook Read More

Rekonect has a notebook that has re-arrangeable pages

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NEWS – The Magnetic Notebook from Rekonect has pages that can be removed, rearranged, and reinserted without damaging the notebook.  Rekonect has a magnetic spine to firmly hold pages printed with a stripe of patent-pending iron ink.   You can easily remove a page to print on it, photocopy it, or scan it.  No more

Rekonect has a notebook that has re-arrangeable pages Read More

Levenger has some “heavenly” notebooks for journal keeping

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NEWS – These beautiful notebooks have celestial-themed covers, which would make them a perfect gift for the astronomer in your life.  Each notebook is 5.5″ x 0.25″ x 7.25″ and has 96 pages of 80-gsm ivory paper. One notebook has lined paper and the other has grid paper.  The celestial images on the covers are taken

Levenger has some “heavenly” notebooks for journal keeping Read More

Baron Fig Wander Dream Journal review

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REVIEW – Are you the type of notebook or journal user who likes to have a separate notebook for different subjects or topics like travel, daily journal, tasks, etc? How about a journal that’s dedicated to recording your dreams. But, not dreams for your future, I’m talking about the dreams you have when you’re asleep. Baron

Baron Fig Wander Dream Journal review Read More

Pad & Quill Journal Notebook and Deluxe Leather Journal Cover review

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No matter how many times I’ve tried to switch to digital task and journaling apps, I always end up missing using my favorite pen and notebook. There’s just something so personal about putting pen to paper and a notebook full of doodles, taped in ticket stubs, photos, and memories means more to me than any

Pad & Quill Journal Notebook and Deluxe Leather Journal Cover review Read More

Finally, a spiral-bound notebook lefties will love

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NEWS – As the mother of a left-handed daughter, I’ve listened to years of complaints about regular ring binders and spiral notebooks.  The rings or the spiral gets in the way of her writing, making taking notes uncomfortable.  Especially in the earlier years, she had to have a spiral-bound notebook for each of her classes,

Finally, a spiral-bound notebook lefties will love Read More

Rocketbook Everlast Mini Notebook review

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Note takers, rejoice! Now you can have your old-school notebook AND the convenience of digitizing your hand written brilliance… and you’ll never have to kill another tree again. What sorcery is this? It’s Rocketbook. Let’s check it out! What is it? It’s a pocket-sized erasable and reusable notebook that, when paired with the Rocketbook app,

Rocketbook Everlast Mini Notebook review Read More

Baron Fig teams up with Codecademy to release new Computerworld notebooks

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What kind of notebook person are you? Are you the type of person that goes with a plain black hardbound journal or a plain 3 x 5 inch pocket notebook with zero personality? If that’s you, then you won’t be all that interested in this news post about Baron Fig’s latest 5.4 x 7.7 inch

Baron Fig teams up with Codecademy to release new Computerworld notebooks Read More

A gift for the Mom who loves to read and to journal

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The Well-Read Women journal lets the reader record her thoughts about books she’s read, with plenty of room for favorite quotes and reflections on characters and moments.  The book has watercolor portraits of some of literature’s most beloved female characters, painted by Samantha Hahn.  And to help Mom select her next book, there’s a list

A gift for the Mom who loves to read and to journal Read More

Moleskine rolls out Transformers Limited Edition Notebooks

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We’re big fans of Moleskine here at The Gadgeteer (check out our many past reviews of their products), and as a child of the 80s, I’m a HUGE fans of the original “The Transformers: Robots in Disguise” animated series from the latter half of that glorious decade. Moleskine has released two notebooks bearing the classic

Moleskine rolls out Transformers Limited Edition Notebooks Read More

Record your travels in this leather, antique-map journal

etched leather map journal

These leather journals from Tactile Craftworks start with supple leather hides sourced from a Milwaukee tannery.  The hides are then hand-cut and etched with antique map designs of old American cities, which makes these Etched Leather Map Journals perfect as a travel journal. The maps are all of the 1890-1920s eras from the collections of the American

Record your travels in this leather, antique-map journal Read More