Gear Diary

Gear diary entries from the-gadgeteer v2

Julie’s Gear Diary – 2006-08-01

I received an email from one of Sony’s PR people concerning their forthcoming Portable Reader System (PRS-500) eBook Reader device, which was first announced this past January at CES. According to this person, there has been quite a bit of confusion and misinformation floating around about this product. They would like to help dispel some

Julie’s Gear Diary – 2006-08-01 Read More

Judie’s Gear Diary – 2006-07-27

Apologies in advance – these pictures were taken late last night and my lighting wasn’t the best. I spent much of yesterday afternoon and evening playing with the cPC – getting comfortable with it, configuring various settings, adding programs to both XP and WM5, figuring out work-arounds for the portions of the system that still

Judie’s Gear Diary – 2006-07-27 Read More