Gear Diary

Gear diary entries from the-gadgeteer v2

What do you tell people when they ask you what you want for Christmas?

This time of year is hectic and stressful for a variety of reasons. But for me, the biggest issue is coming up with ideas to tell people when they ask me for my Christmas idea list. Most of my friends and relatives are terrified to buy me anything that resembles a gadget, so I’m usually […]

What do you tell people when they ask you what you want for Christmas? Read More

We’re baaaack…

Hello folks! I’m happy to report that content links are working again and the forums are back up. Thanks for bearing with us during the past 36hrs or so that things were in flux. A big hand goes to Rob for staying up last night rebuilding databases and the web server configuration for the-gadgeteer and

We’re baaaack… Read More

I finally removed the SIM from my iPhone and put it in the…

I’ve been using the iPhone since the day I stood in line to buy one… During the time that followed, I’ve complained about its deficiencies, but kept right on using it. I truly think Apple used some kind of spray-on absorbing drug on the shell of the iPhone. There’s no other explanation for the reason

I finally removed the SIM from my iPhone and put it in the… Read More

Do you suffer from social networking overload?

How many social networking sites do you guys subscribe to and actually use on a regular basis? I subscribe to quite a few, but the main ones that come to mind are : The order I have listed these sites is pretty much my order of usage. I

Do you suffer from social networking overload? Read More