Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) Review

  When the Sony PlayStation Portable (known from here on out as the PSP) was first announced in May of 2004, gaming enthusiasts began clamoring for information on this state of the art handheld gaming console. Even though this device was originally released only in Japan (December 12, 2004), that didn’t stop people here in

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Etymotic Research 6i Isolator Earphones Review

Product Requirements: A 3.5mm jack on any portable audio/video device I guess that stock earbuds must be the equivalent of a PDA’s stock stylus in that some are better than others; some people will be very happy with them while others will immediately look for something that better satisfies their needs. Unfortunately, I have found

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CORDination Station PRO Series 1 Review

It is a known fact that home office floors are the perfect environment for spaghetti breeding grounds. Not Italian spaghetti, but cable spaghetti! Just look under your desk and you’ll see exactly what I mean. Need a real example? Then check out these pictures of just a few of the items that I have in

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TechnOtunes 256MB MP3 Player Watch Review

Product Requirements: Mac OSX, Windows 98SE or Above By now, I would guess that many of our readers own a portable mega-gigabyte digital music player on which they have stored much, if not all, of their music collections. However, I would be willing to bet that some don’t always want to bring that player along

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