Gear Diary

Gear diary entries from the-gadgeteer v2

Watching Movies

I joined Netflix yesterday. Yeah, I know it seems lame to be excited about something that has been around for a long time now, but it doesn’t take much to excite me. Why did it take me so long to try it? Well, I’ve been a DirecTV subscriber for eons. Over the years, with price […]

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Let It Snow

We had 6 or so inches of snow today! Thought I would share some pictures that I snapped about halfway through the storm. I love snow when you can look out at it from inside a nice warm house ;o) Speaking of which, the high temperature here today was only 15 degrees!

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Once Upon a Time

This summer, The Gadgeteer will hit a major milestone in its history. It will turn 10 years old. It’s really hard for me to believe that I’ve been writing reviews for a decade! But at the same time, it sorta feels like only yesterday since I started this site. It wasn’t like I was new

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