
For over 30 years, in public and private education, I was an English teacher, a librarian and a technology specialist. Throughout my career, I focused on literacy, media, and the appropriate use of technology. I now offer a unique expertise in design, writing, and collaboration to my website clients. I live in St. Petersburg, FL in an historic neighborhood and on a lake in Northern New York state. Because of the gadgets in my life, I am able to stay connected, be creative and make art that communicates... no matter where I happen to be.

iFrogz EarPollution Timbre w/microphone Earbuds Review

EarPollution TimbreWithMic

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language defines “timbre” as “The combination of qualities of a sound that distinguishes it from other sounds of the same pitch and volume.” The iFrogz folks do get their own joke. Their websites says the EarPollution Timbre earbuds feature “clean bass and you guessed it, outstanding audio “timbre”

iFrogz EarPollution Timbre w/microphone Earbuds Review Read More

OnOne Software’s DSLR Remote iPhone Wireless Shutter Release App Review

OnOne DSLR Remote 01

onOne Software’s DSLR Remote is a wireless shutter release for Canon EOS© or Nikon DSLR camera… and it is amazing. With it, your iPhone or iPod Touch becomes your camera’s control center. More than a mere remote shutter release, the DSLR Camera Remote Pro ($19.99) can control camera settings like aperture and shutter speed and

OnOne Software’s DSLR Remote iPhone Wireless Shutter Release App Review Read More