
Do you need a stapleless stapler?

kokuyo stapleless stapler

Have you ever stapled anything only to pierce your finger on the misshapen staple? Perhaps you’ve experienced a staple snagging a favorite shirt. Or maybe you’re frustrated with having to fix a jammed stapler or having to refill it. It’s time to consider purchasing a stapleless stapler like the Kokuyo Harinacs Japanese Stapleless Stapler. This gadget

Do you need a stapleless stapler? Read More

Pilot FriXion Stamps dress up your journal and can be erased later

frixtion stamps

Remember the Pilot FriXion pens with their erasable ink? Now Pilot is offering FriXion stamps that can be used to decorate your journal, paper calendar, etc. Just like the FriXion pens, these stamps use the same type of thermo-sensitive ink that will disappear with friction. The Pilot FriXion stamps are available in several ink colors

Pilot FriXion Stamps dress up your journal and can be erased later Read More

Leave your reminders and to-do lists on your door, so you’ll never forget them again!

hook it sticky notes door hanger

When I need to remind myself to do something that’s not part of my normal routine, I leave a note on the front door.  I don’t like taping things to the freshly painted door, and tiny little sticky notes can be overlooked or fall off during the night.  I usually write my reminder or to-do

Leave your reminders and to-do lists on your door, so you’ll never forget them again! Read More

Scissortape – Another “Why didn’t I think of that?” moment

wpid Scissortape

Wrapping presents is one of those jobs I don’t enjoy.  And as bad as my wrapping skills are, it’s an added pain in my house because I can never find where the kids have left the tape. Worry no longer, one of those “Why didn’t I think of that?” gadgets is at hand.  The Scissortape

Scissortape – Another “Why didn’t I think of that?” moment Read More