United P2 Pocket Pen review

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Pens like other EDC gear provide a personal statement about the owner. People see the items others carry and can tell that they like rugged gear, home brew gear, gear with bling, etc. The United P2 Pocket Pen from United Machining LLC shows people that you like gear that is elegant, unique and has been designed to stand the test of

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Leatherman LEAP is a multi-tool designed just for kids

leatherman leap

When I was a kid, I loved taking things apart to find the magnets, gears and other cool little components. I even had my own little toolbox which I kept under my bed where I stored tools and parts that I had scavenged. I would have loved a multi-tool in those days. The folks at

Leatherman LEAP is a multi-tool designed just for kids Read More

Julie’s gadget diary – January 2015 EDC update

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I can’t believe that it’s been almost 2 years since I posted my EDC setup. Time sure flies when you’re having fun reviewing gadgets! I recently decided that it’s time to downsize the gear that I carry with me everyday because my bag has been gaining weight for awhile now and I’m starting to really notice when I

Julie’s gadget diary – January 2015 EDC update Read More

You wont mind if this one treads on you, the Leatherman Tread

Leatherman Tread

You have the perfect watch, but what about the perfect watchband? The folks at Leatherman have thought of this and have come up with the new Leatherman Tread. The idea came from Ben Rivera (President of Leatherman) when he was stopped at Disneyland security for carrying his Skeletool. The Tread is designed to be worn

You wont mind if this one treads on you, the Leatherman Tread Read More

Lamy Pico Pocket Size Extendable and Ohto Rook ballpoint pens review

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Today I want to show you two ballpoint pens that have been designed to take up less space than traditional pens while still providing a comfortable writing experience. Everyday Carry (EDC) enthusiasts who are always on the look out for ways to pare down the size and weight of their gear bags might enjoy learning

Lamy Pico Pocket Size Extendable and Ohto Rook ballpoint pens review Read More

RichWorks hand crafted sleeves and pouches


I am a fan of products that help protect, organize and transport our many small EDC items and mobile devices.  RichWorks’ USA handmade products caught my eye recently. Consisting of simple, clean designs in multiple, customizable color combinations and durable, quality materials like 500D Nylon exterior (and microsuede interior on some), YKK brass zippers and

RichWorks hand crafted sleeves and pouches Read More

You won’t be bugged by the Mantis and Cricket multi-tools

Cricket and Mantis

Pocket multi-tools, you all know I love them. I have several reviews and news post about them here on The Gadgeteer, so in keeping with my fetish interest, I have found another set of multi-tools on Kickstarter. The Mantis and the Cricket from Jeff Morin, are two versatile  multi-tools designed to make your life easier. The

You won’t be bugged by the Mantis and Cricket multi-tools Read More

Everyday survival is a zip with the Gerber GDC selection

Gerber GDC Kit

I’m guessing that a lot of our readers have some sort of EDC (Every Day Carry) setup that they carry about with them for those just in case moments. The folks at Gerber (the knife a survival tool company, not the baby food maker) have embraced the concept of EDC with their own line of

Everyday survival is a zip with the Gerber GDC selection Read More

You can be ready anytime you hear the dinner bell

baladeo 52g pocket cutlery

Here’s the adult version of the pocket cutlery set that got so many readers in a lather.  Unlike the Safe Swiss Army Knife just for kids (see the related links at the bottom of this article), the Baladeo 52G Pocket Cutlery Set is made of 420 stainless steel and polycarbonate.  It has a spork, knife,

You can be ready anytime you hear the dinner bell Read More

Keep your keys contained and rattle free with the KeyGrip


If you’ve been looking for a way to organize your keychain, the KeyGrip from Raven Workshop looks like an interesting option. The New Hampshire based machine shop offers two versions of the KeyGrip. The less expensive KG2 is made with a leather strap, and the one you see above which is available in brass, copper,

Keep your keys contained and rattle free with the KeyGrip Read More

Numyth Tohil Lighter may be the Mercedes of peanut lighters

tohil lighter

If you’ve been looking for a lighter to add to your EDC that won’t take up a lot of space and is designed to be waterproof, check out the Tohil Lighter from Numyth. The Tohil features a CNC machined anodized aluminum body with a flat bottom that allows it to stand up on flat surfaces

Numyth Tohil Lighter may be the Mercedes of peanut lighters Read More

“Clever Use Wins” – Tusked Cresent’s classy EDC gear

tuskedcrescent edcgear

EDC, or everyday carry, has become quite popular, and many companies are offering products to help you organize your EDC items more efficiently.  Many of these products are military-inspired “tactical” style: rugged and functional, made from heavy-duty Cordura, and with lots of zippers and webbing.  But Tusked Crescent wanted a their EDC products to have

“Clever Use Wins” – Tusked Cresent’s classy EDC gear Read More

Infini-Key Clip could be a cure for split ring haters

infini key

If you love split rings as much as I do, and by “love”, I mean hate, I may have found a possible solution. It’s the Infini-Key Clip from Niteize. It’s made of stainless steel and won’t cause you to utter curse words like you might when you jam the tip of a split ring under

Infini-Key Clip could be a cure for split ring haters Read More