Cosori 6-quart TurboBlaze Smart Air Fryer review – Turning “Yes Chef!” into “Alexa…”

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REVIEW – Fun holiday gathering post dinner/pre dessert discussion topic: Does every appliance now need to be “smart”?  I have a “smart” carpet cleaner and I have exactly zero idea why it needed to be smart; now I have an app  that tells me when it’s on or when the water is low, two very […]

Cosori 6-quart TurboBlaze Smart Air Fryer review – Turning “Yes Chef!” into “Alexa…” Read More

Flexbar brings touch bar functionality to Windows and Mac

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KICKSTARTER NEWS – I use a MacBook Pro for my work computer.  Back in the day, it came with a Touch Bar, a touch-sensitive strip above the keyboard that allowed me to interact with my applications in different ways.  I wasn’t really a fan and didn’t use it much, but maybe there’s a better way

Flexbar brings touch bar functionality to Windows and Mac Read More

HKMLC Smart Boards: Revolutionizing Digital Collaboration and Learning

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NEWS – In the fast-paced world of educational and business technology, HKMLC is making waves with its innovative smart boards. These digital whiteboards are changing the game for how people work, learn, and collaborate in classrooms, boardrooms, and beyond. Meet HKMLC HKMLC is a brand that’s all about creating smart boards that boost productivity and

HKMLC Smart Boards: Revolutionizing Digital Collaboration and Learning Read More

Mighty Bright Orchestra Stand Light review – A musician’s gadget!

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REVIEW – Musicians need gadgets too! Regardless of the instrument, there is always niche gear, tips, and ways that musicians have come up with to improve their music in one way or another. Today’s review, the Mighty Bright Orchestra Light, is a handy solution to help you see your sheet music in dark or dim

Mighty Bright Orchestra Stand Light review – A musician’s gadget! Read More

Your kids can become instant artists with the Flycatcher Toys smART Sketcher drawing projector!

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NEWS – Do you have a child that is learning to draw? The Flycatcher Toys smART Sketcher 2.0 is a drawing projector to jumpstart their progress (for ages 5+). This cool device projects images onto a sheet of paper below so your kids can trace the projection.  It works by projecting either pre-loaded images on

Your kids can become instant artists with the Flycatcher Toys smART Sketcher drawing projector! Read More

xTool AP2 Air Purifier and IF2 Inline fan review – Better exhaust management, hands down

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REVIEW – xTool recently announced a new version of their air purifier and inline fan, the xTool SafetyPro AP2 Air Purifier with SuperCyclone System and the xTool SafetyPro IF2 Hyper Flow Inline Duct Fan. Having previously used several different air purifiers for laser engravers, I was skeptical about the effectiveness of this product despite the

xTool AP2 Air Purifier and IF2 Inline fan review – Better exhaust management, hands down Read More

Woojer haptic wearable Vest 3 review – one step closer to true VR immersion

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REVIEW – As I started writing this review, I did the math and realized I’ve been playing virtual reality games for nearly a decade now (starting with the Oculus Rift developer kit 2 in 2014). Even with that early hardware there have been amazing moments that are etched in my memory, like when my cockpit

Woojer haptic wearable Vest 3 review – one step closer to true VR immersion Read More

Lofree Flow Lite mechanical keyboard review – A less expensive, wonderful low profile mechanical keyboard

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REVIEW – I love Lofree keyboards. I’ve reviewed no less than four of them. My favorite is the Lofree Flow. I understand that for some $160 might be a hard pill to swallow for a keyboard especially if you’ve never used a low-profile keyboard. Or, let’s say, you don’t care for the looks of the

Lofree Flow Lite mechanical keyboard review – A less expensive, wonderful low profile mechanical keyboard Read More

Save up to 50% off select multi-tools and knives before Gerber’s holiday sale ends!

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NEWS – Hey EDC gear and multi-tool fanatics, you’re going to love today’s deal! Through 12/04/2024, you can save up to 50% off a selection of Gerber’s do-it-all multi-tools including some of their best-sellers like the Truss multi-tool (shown above and 40%) and the Bushcraft Hatchet (shown below and 50% off). Up to 50% off

Save up to 50% off select multi-tools and knives before Gerber’s holiday sale ends! Read More

BLUETTI Handsfree 2 Backpack Power Station review – A power station you can carry on your back

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REVIEW – A very interesting gadget combo came out recently that really intrigued me. You may have seen it in a news post about a month ago where Bluetti announced a backpack/battery combo called the Handsfree 2 All-in-One Backpack power station. The Gadgeteer has reviewed quite a few different Bluetti battery products over the past

BLUETTI Handsfree 2 Backpack Power Station review – A power station you can carry on your back Read More