Grocery Gadget is More than a Grocery List

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grocery gadgetMy husband is a great guy with only one tiny flaw – he can’t remember more than three things on a list.  So if I ask him to go to the store and pick up eggs, milk, cheese, and bread, I’ll only get 3 of them or I’ll get a call asking what he was supposed to get.  I’ve been looking for a good shopping app that will allow me to send him a list on his iPhone that he can check items off – not as easy to find as I hoped.  The Grocery Gadget app for iPhone/ iPod touch and iPad is exactly what I was looking for.  (There are also mobile versions for Blackberry, Android, Nokia, and Windows phones.)  I have the app on my iPad so that I can set up a list for  the grocery store, a list for Sam’s Club (my own custom list), office supplies, etc.  I can specify how many of each, brand, even include a picture of the exact item I want.  I can specify stores for the items, enter notes, and enter prices and taxes so I’ll have an idea of how much my shopping junket will cost.  Best of all, I can set up a free group account that we both can join so that I can push my grocery list to all devices in the group.  I can log on at the Grocery Gadget website so I can add/delete shopping categories and create lists.  The lists are permanent, so I can set up a master list of the things I commonly buy, then I can quickly indicate just what I need for this shopping trip.  As the items are added to the cart, check it off the list so you’ll see only the things still needed.  This checked status is quickly pushed to all devices in the group, so Butch and I can split up in the store and each shop half the list without duplicating efforts.  The universal app is available in a free version, a $0.99 basic version, and a $3.99 fully-leaded version (shown in screen capture).

12 thoughts on “Grocery Gadget is More than a Grocery List”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I really like that it can push the updated list to all devices in your group. Great feature! Now if only Jeanne had a smartphone too 😉 But then I’d probably get a call from her asking how to use the app while we were shopping… Some people should not have smartphones. Sorry Jeanne. 🙂

  3. iPhones are easy to use. When you upgrade to iPhone 5, you should talk her into trying your iPhone 4. She can always go back to her old phone if she hates the iPhone.

    1. @Janet 😉 Trust me… I can hear the whining already. Now if I still had an hold Palm Treo phone, she’d probably like that. She still uses a Palm Zire PDA!

  4. Hey! There’s nothing wrong with whining – not that I’m speaking from experience or anything… 😀

    I can sympathize with her still using the Palm Zire. If my beautiful Handspring deluxe still worked, I’d use it, too. Now, that baby had a fabulous grocery list on it!

  5. @Janet – Cool! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I just bought the $3.99 version. I needed the ability for multiple shopping lists and multiple stores.

  6. I’ll have to check this out. We’ve been using a list tool called HoneyDew that started on the Blackberry and has now been ported to Android and I think iOS. Development has slowed though as the author had his first baby…and any parent knows what that does to your free time.

  7. @Craig I got the free version first and played with it about 2 minutes (had to set up my group, you know) before I upgraded to the $3.99 version. Hope it works well for you!

  8. I’ve been using Grocery Gadget for more than a year now and find it invaluable, now my other half has an iPad she can update the shopping list even when I’ve already left the house. Great for all kinds of lists but I do find the web portal somewhat clunky and in fact almost never use it.

  9. Your husband can’t remember more than three things? I can’t remember where I was going! My wife gives me a list and, if I make it to the store, I get a few things on the list, come home, and have to go back for the rest. This applies to lists I make for myself, too. Can you set this app to yell at you if you leave the store without getting everything on the list?

  10. @BaldSpot That’s a great idea! Hopefully the developer will see these comments and add a “get right back in that store and finish shopping” feature!

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