Gear Diary

Gear diary entries from the-gadgeteer v2

Do you worry about how much energy your gadgets use?

After completing my review of the Kill-A-Watt Electricity Usage Monitor a few weeks ago, I’ve been much more interested in the how much power my gadgets and appliances use. That’s why I was interested in reading about the new VIA based computer from Systemax that only requires 20 Watts. Systemax is marketing the Venture VE

Do you worry about how much energy your gadgets use? Read More asks if book publishers should be forced into offering digital versions of their books?

Shaun McGill over at one of my favorite sites: PDA247, has just posted an interested editorial / survey piece on the subject of eBooks. He’s asking the question if publishers should be forced into offering digital versions in addition to paper editions of their books. Personally, I would like to see this practice adopted asap. asks if book publishers should be forced into offering digital versions of their books? Read More

I want your feedback on using the Gear Diary comment system site wide

We’ve used VBBS forum software for our reviews and articles for years and years, but recently we built a new comment system that we’ve only been testing here in the Gear Diary area of The Gadgeteer. Since this new system has been stable, we’re now considering using it for the rest of the site. What

I want your feedback on using the Gear Diary comment system site wide Read More

How one month with the iPhone has made me appreciate the Treo 680 more than ever

Today is July 29th. One month ago today, I was standing in line (it was a very short line, but a line all the same) at my local AT&T store to buy the much hyped iPhone. On that day, I remember being excited because I was getting a new toy to play with. But I

How one month with the iPhone has made me appreciate the Treo 680 more than ever Read More

How to take great macro pictures without a lot of equipment

I receive frequent emails asking me how I take such nice close up (macro) product images for my reviews. As a result, I thought I would share some of my ‘secrets’ for macro photography. Some people think that if they buy the most expensive bazillion mega pixel DSLR camera on the market, that they will

How to take great macro pictures without a lot of equipment Read More

Get some great bags from RoadWired for close to 50% off!

Michael Hess of just emailed me some news thrifty shoppers will find very useful… LIMITED TIME: ROADWIRED CARRYING CASE BLOWOUT WITH BONUS “INSIDER’S” COUPON FOR SUPPORTERS OF THIS SITE… SAVE ALMOST 50% PLUS GET FREE SHIPPING. Readers and supporters of selected tech sites can use coupon code BLOWOUT to save an additional 20%, PLUS

Get some great bags from RoadWired for close to 50% off! Read More

Is the Apple iPhone a smart phone, or a feature phone?

What features do you all think defines a mobile phone as a smart phone? The ability to install 3rd party software? PIM features? Email? I’ve been discussing this topic with Deslock in the comment area for my Apple iPhone review, and I now I would like to hear some other opinions on the subject. So

Is the Apple iPhone a smart phone, or a feature phone? Read More

Funny iPhone videos

If you need a couple of chuckles to get you through this lazy Friday afternoon, I have got you covered. CJ Arabia from DotComedy.Com sent me an email with several links. These are my two faves… Alec Baldwin iPhone: George Bush iPhone FYI: My review of the iPhone will be up by Monday

Funny iPhone videos Read More