Everyday Carry Bag – Dave Rees

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I have been doing my best to minimize what I carry with me on a regular basis for years now. It is a constant battle between what I might need and the reality of what I have time to use/deal with in a given day. My type-A personality is always pushing me to bring a mountain of tech with me in hopes I find/make the time to get a million to-dos accomplished, while the keep-it-simple part of me shows me the logic/Zen of bringing just what I need for the reality of my hectic life and insane schedule. So, for my EDC bag write-up, I will discuss my short-list of everyday items and a few frequent optional/add-on items for when I need the additional horsepower.

05/20/13 Gear Bag

  • Colonel Littleton No. 1943 Navigator Bag: During the work week, whether I am in the office, going to a meeting, or traveling, I carry my gear in my absolute favorite satchel, the Colonel Littleton No. 1943 Navigator Bag. For me, its quality, style and function are perfect; I would not change a thing.
  • iPad mini in its Vaja Libretto leather case: I have found that I can do 80% of my computing while traveling or in transit on my iPad mini. I do my best to fight the urge to drag along my Retina display MacBook Pro when I can get away with my mini.
  • For a multitude of reasons, primarily work, I am never without my smartphone. Recently, I switched from the iPhone 5 to the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Both are very good/great devices, but I wanted to play with something new.  I was bored with iOS, so I decided to see how the other half lives.  I might switch back, might not. I have found myself leaving both my MBPro and my iPad mini at home due to the GN2’s large screen and functionality.
  • JHAudio JH|5 Pro Earphones: I have reviewed alot of earbuds/earphones over the years, and without a doubt the JH|5 Pros are still my favorites. I use them 90% of the time when I am listening to my music. Whether I am on a run, watching a movie on a plane, mowing the field on my tractor, or blowing out the gutters, I love their perfect fit, great sound, and noise isolation. Even though they are years old and have traveled countless miles, they are still going strong.
  • Work credentials: No getting around needing to drag these along.
  • SureFire Pen 3: Currently my favorite pen due to its great feel, weight, and smooth writing.
  • Namiki Falcon Fountain Pen: Future review/currently testing it out.  😉
  • Just Mobile AluPen iPad Stylus: While very nice and useful to many, this is probably the item least used and most likely to be dropped from my EDC bag.
  • Bits and pieces: I use a Grid-It organizer to keep my little stuff from rattling around the bottom of my bag, although I am seriously considering swapping it out for a smaller WaterField zippered pouch. While very functional, the Grid-It takes up too much volume considering it is only holding a few thumb drives, cables, micro USB adapter and a small flashlight (Fenix LD01).
  • Sunglasses (Maui Jim in this case): For many of us who live in Western Washington, we need sunglasses to shade our sensitive eyes. There is definitely a lack of sunshine a good percentage of the year in these neck of the woods. You know, when the rains stop and the clouds part that bright orb in the sky can be an irritant at times. So, when it is nice around here or I am traveling to a sunny locale, I do my very best to bring these along.

Optional Gear:

  • 15″ Retina-display MacBook Pro: There are days or trips when I need more computing power or optimized input that I bring along my 4.6 lbs MBPro (nearly 5 lbs with powerbrick). Typically that means I am behind on my review queue and need to edit images or type a large quantity of text more efficiently.

From the looks of the other EDC articles, I have less tech-stuff with me than the rest of the Gadgeteer Team. But that is my goal, to keep my EDC bag as lean and mean as possible while optimizing my productivity.

1 thought on “Everyday Carry Bag – Dave Rees”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Donald Schoengold

    I have had a Namiki Falcon for years. My favorite fountain pens among the 15 or so that I own are the Namiki, several Pelikan pens, and a many years old Parker pen. You can never own enough fountain pens.


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