Everpurse Charges Your Phone

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The Everpurse looks awesome and I want one. Now. But unfortunately it’s a darn Kickstarter project, which means I have to wait. I hate waiting. What is it you ask? It’s a small zippered purse that will hold your smartphone. Wait, don’t stop reading… It holds AND charges your smartphone’s battery with an internal battery. But it gets better. The purse itself is charged wirelessly by laying it on a charging mat (top pic). Watching the Kickstarter video will probably make you want to pledge $129 – $169 for a fabric or leather version of this product. I wish this technology was built into my Timbuk2 messenger bag… It’s not clear how the phone actually plugs into the bag though. I’ve emailed Liz who owns this project and will update this news item with any info I learn. It’s definitely a cool idea, so I hope they make their $100,000 goal. They area already a third of the way there.

Thanks to Christina for the tip!

5 thoughts on “Everpurse Charges Your Phone”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. It’s just plain cruelty to show this item and then say as of yet, it’s not available for purchase. I really really want this.

  3. I think it bears pointing out that, according to the Kickstarter page’s own FAQ, it does *not* charge your phone wirelessly. It has a connector in the bottom of the purse that docks with your phone. The purse itself is charged with the charging mat, which uses components they source from another supplier.

    “Does the phone get charged wirelessly?”
    “No, this is how it works: The energy from the mat to the purse is sent wirelessly. The energy from the purse to the phone is sent through a physical connection via our patent-pending docking mechanism that couples up with the phone and begins charging it. You DON’T have to fish for a cord, just drop it in the pocket and it instantly physically connects and begins charging.”

    1. @Rob Yes, I did see that in their FAQ. I’m also wondering if you have to add some sort of adapter to your phone in order to charge. Because if you watch the video, it looks like they just slip the phone into a pocket in the pouch. It doesn’t look like they connect it to anything. I believe I remember seeing that the FAQ also says it will work with Android phones that use USB to charge. So I’m wondering if you have to use something like the Powermat with each device: http://the-gadgeteer.com/2009/12/22/powermat-wireless-charging-review/

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