A look back – 10, 5 and 1 year ago today on The Gadgeteer

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hourglassI’m not sure why it is, but I’m feeling a little bit nostalgic today, so I decided to take a look back in time to see what reviews were posted here on The Gadgeteer 10 years ago, 5 years ago and 1 year ago on this date.

otterbox10 years ago (1999)

PDA-Pak Review

I believe that this was the first OtterBox case review that we ever posted on The Gadgeteer. For those of you who are not familiar with OtterBox, they make ruggedized and waterproof cases for all sorts of equipment and devices. It’s good to see that they are still going strong even after 10 years. As a matter of fact, some of the team is working on some new OtterBox case reviews that we will be posting here in the near future.

vaja ivod4g 15 years ago (2004)

Vaja iVod Remixed 4G iPod Case Review

Vaja is another company that is still pumping out accessories for our favorite devices. It’s funny to look back at the iPod. I remember always wanting to carry my entire music library with me where ever I went. This days, I don’t carry my iPod Classic with me anymore. I just put a collect of albums on my iPhone or which ever audio device that I happen to be reviewing at the time. Quantity is no longer as important as minimalism to me.

palm treo pro 31 year ago (2008)

Palm Treo Pro Smartphone Review

This review surprises me more than the other two, because it seems like it has been longer than a year since the Treo Pro was released. I remember really wanting to love this phone, but unfortunately, it didn’t happen for me. After reviewing the Pro, I pretty much let go of all hope that Palm would ever turn things around.

The Palm Pre was nice, but I don’t think it will have the power to save the company either.

Are any of you currently using an OtterBox case, Vaja case for your iPod and the Palm Treo Pro?

12 thoughts on “A look back – 10, 5 and 1 year ago today on The Gadgeteer”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. … yeah … good old Palm Pilot … why didn’t the successors imitate it’s battery life? Three weeks plus on a pair of AAA, daily use and games included … sometimes I wish we’d still be there.

  3. Palm has a history of really cool elements that they let slide for some reason in later versions.

    User changeable standard batteries? Gone. Graffiti input? Big screens with virtual buttons? Simple, cheap apps? Notepad?

  4. maybe i am a bit to much geek, but i would love to see a PDA device today.

    if i want to make calls, i have a cheap phone that i can bring anywhere…

  5. I’m still combing Ebay to try to find a Psion Series 5mx for a reasonable price. Tells you all you need to know about how we’ve gone backwards on such things as basic functionality and usable battery life.

  6. ^^

    Funny you say that, I recently bought a Psion 3mx for that very reason – I got a 3a back in 1995 and, really, devices have gone downhill since then in terms of the on-board PIM software.

  7. Joooooooolieeeeeeee… this should be a regular WIDGET on the site… for sure. As one of the longest running review sites on the web, seriously, it deserves it 🙂 So cool !

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