Gear Diary

Gear diary entries from the-gadgeteer v2

Julie’s Gear Diary – 2004-07-28

Check it out, PalmSource has a contest up where you can tell them how Palm has made your life better. If you win, you can choose a brand new Palm powered device from Aceeca, AlphaSmart, Fossil, Founder Technology, Garmin, GSL, Handspring, Kyocera, Lenovo, Palm, palmOne, PerComm, Samsung, Sony, Symbol Technologies or Tapwave. Wow!

Julie’s Gear Diary – 2004-07-28 Read More

Julie’s Gear Diary – 2004-07-15

Calling all wannabe reviewers! I’m looking for two people that have good writing skills and a digital camera that can take excellent macro shots to review two products. Product 1: Replacement 3000 mAh battery for a Dell Axim X5 Pocket PC from Crayton Electronics. Product 2: Universal Twin SIM Adapter from Brando’s Workshop. If you

Julie’s Gear Diary – 2004-07-15 Read More