Inspire a new generation of gadgeteers with this fun children’s book

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One of our regular readers sent in a tip about a very cute book for aspiring gadgeteer kids. It’s called Harold and the Wimple-Dimple Dimmer-Wimmer by Carolyn Donovan and it’s about a 7 year old boy who moves into a new house and finds a pile of junk (what his mother calls it) in the garage. Can this pile of junk help Harold finally learn to tie his shoes? I guess you’ll have to buy the book to find out. The 72 page book features illustrations by Alex Tsuper and is available from Amazon for the Kindle as well as hardback and paperback versions. Prices start at $4.99 for the Kindle version and go up to $16.61 for the hardback version. You can read the beginning of the book by visiting the Amazon page. I love children’s stories, so I’ve already purchased it. 🙂 Makes me want to get back into trying to write my own gadgeteer inspired kid’s book that I started a couple years ago and haven’t touched in awhile. Fun stuff 🙂

2 thoughts on “Inspire a new generation of gadgeteers with this fun children’s book”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. That is a great title. From now on, when I can’t remember the proper name for a tool or gadget, I will ask the person to pass me the “wimple-dimple” or the “dimmer-wimmer”.

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