Nookmark – for when a normal bookmark just won’t do

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nookmark bookmark

The Nookmark Bookmark is described as a reinvention of a traditional bookmark, but I’m not sure how they went from a piece of paper slipped between the pages of a book to this wooden triangular support.  The Nookmark “follows the shape of an open book”, and you lay an open book over the apex of the triangle to mark your place.

According to reviews on Amazon, this method prevents your book from getting something placed on it on the nightstand.  Another suggested use is to place the Nookmark on a coffee table to display an attractive book as part of the decor.

The Nookmark has an opening in the center that’s perfect for storing your reading glasses or a phone.  The stand is made of high-quality, rapidly-renewable bamboo with a clear coating.

For each Nookmark purchased, one dollar will be donated to United Through Reading, which connects military families facing physical separation by facilitating the bonding experience of reading aloud together.  You can purchase a Nookmark Bookmark for $38 at Amazon.

6 thoughts on “Nookmark – for when a normal bookmark just won’t do”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
    1. The suji-in covers some words and if used in the way demonstrated is the video, might cause pages to rip.
      Do you have to remove the current right-hand page to read the portion blocked by thumb?
      Works great for hard cover but how good is it for paperback?
      Also, why is it an indiegogo?

      Ps. Sorry to comment on something other than current post.

      1. Hi James,
        I have read quite a few books and I’ve never had a ripped page. The tab is not grabbing the page at all, it just marks it. When I am reading and I get to the tab part I just slide the page out from behind the tab. Works well on both paperback (my preferred type) and hardcover. You just move the suji-in back as you progress through the book. I usually fall asleep while reading and this saves the day! No worries about losing my place.
        I just wanted to point out a unique ‘gadget’ that I have found and use daily.

        1. Thanks Anne,
          I am while I am an avid reader, I am now an e-reader fan. The way I read, I would need about ten of these for the nine tech books I am reading (of and on for months) and the one fiction (every week) I am also reading.
          You haven’t said anything about the thumb covering some text. Is that an irritant?

          1. I too have an e-reader but sometimes I end up with paper books. The thumb or tab as I called it does cover the words but when I get to that part of the page I slide the page out to read the few words it is covering. Since the tab his holding 50-75 pages at a time it’s not an issue – you can put it at the bottom of the page so you will be turning it anyway.

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