Yeah, yeah, we know we need at least thirty minutes of exercise a day, but come on, it’s just so boring. You know what would make it better? That’s right–Zombies! Zombies, Run! is an app for the iPhone/iPad/Android that casts you as a survivor in the zombie apocalypse. You become Runner 5, and it’s your mission to brave the zombie wasteland and gather supplies for your fellow survivors. The game delivers audio cues, news updates, radio transmissions, and zombie moans to you through your headphones as you workout. As you run and take on more “missions”, the story of how the zombies came to be will also be revealed.
I heard about this a few days ago on NPR in an interview with the creator, Naomi Alderman. She wanted to encourage exercise through gaming, and honestly, what’s a better motivation to run your butt off than a bunch of zombies after you?
The iPhone version is available now for $7.99 with the Android coming by Spring. Also in the update queue will be integration with RunKeeper.
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How about one for my drive time instead? Got bad ankles/shins so running isn’t my thing, I’d be zombie lunch.
Game works really well on an elliptical too. 🙂
@KurtisFz – good to know! Eagerly anticipating the May release on Android!!