An iPad App to Commenorate the 9/11 Tragedy

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9 11 memorial app ipadThe 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 is a few days away.  The 911 Memorial: Past, Present, and Future app for iPad explores the World Trade Center events.  More than 400 pictures and 40 videos allow  you to see the construction of the Twin Towers and view them as they were before that fateful day.  You can also see how 9/11 unfolded, including never before seen video of the attacks on the World Trade Center.  Other information covers the cleanup and recovery phases and the construction of the Reflecting Absence memorial and the museum being built on the site.  The 911 Memorial: Past, Present, and Future app is free in the iTunes app store.

9 thoughts on “An iPad App to Commenorate the 9/11 Tragedy”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Downloaded it a few days ago. This is a pretty amazing collection of images and videos from that eventful day.

    We here in Boston watched the surreal scenes unfold that morning…first thinking that it was a freak accident. But seeing that second plane hit the tower, we slowly realized that it was something else. The images in our minds from that day have faded, but the feelings came back quickly when seeing the images on the app.

    Many lost family members, friends, and co-workers that day both here and in NYC. We will be quietly remembering Aram and Anna this Sunday:

  3. Is this not a little self indulgent?
    Yes it was a tragedy, something the world had not witnessed before but isn’t it time to move on and learn from the past and not focus on it?

  4. @deathoffleas…

    That did cross our minds when we first heard about the app. Then many commented that people still write books, do movies, and teach courses on many of the past historical events…big (WW1, WW2, etc…) or small (Pearl Harbor, Kennedy assassination, Watergate, etc…).

    The iPad app is an approach of blending text, images, and videos on a new media platform. It is a lot more compelling than we thought possible.

  5. @deathoffleas I don’t see this app as indulgent at all. I’m all for wanting to learn more about a very important and tragic event in history. How can people learn from the past if they don’t have the tools like this one to do so? Should we not learn about the holocaust during WWII, the great depression of the 1920’s, the Vietnam war, Apartheid?

  6. There is serious evidence that the whole “event” was made up. Maybe whoever wants to know more about it should seek information from several different sources….

    After all, 9/11 was the reason to start the so-called “War Against Terrorism” and all the laws etc that go with it…

  7. @Mike…

    Yes…just like Pearl Harbor was “made up” so the US would enter WW2, the Nazi concentration camps were “made up” to justify the creation of the Israel homeland, and the moon landing was “made up” to scare the Soviets.

    Conspiracy theorists deserves all the respect they get. BTW, the aluminum under your hat is showing.

  8. @Fred…how does that show that “the whole “event” was made up” as proposed by “Mike”?

    We are not making statements regarding whether the Bush administration “knew about the plans” or “allowed” it to happen.

    Was it a massive intelligence failure on the Bush Administration’s watch…you betcha. Was it wrong to invade Iraq for WMDs? Absolutely. Is Rove, Cheney, and the NeoCons a bunch of opportunistic idiots…no arguments there.

    However, what is certain is that to the people who died, the day was not “made up.”

  9. Really, this isn’t the time or the place for conspiracy nuts. Have some respect for the people who died on that day.

    I’m from the UK, and we stand shoulder to shoulder with our friends in the US against anyone that would threaten our way of life and attack our civilisation.

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