App Spotlight – Mobigame Edge iPad Puzzle Game

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edge ipadgame 1Today we’re going to take a quick look at Edge from Mobigame. This is a puzzle game with arcade elements. It requires good timing and quick reflexes in addition to regular puzzle solving skills.

Edge is a puzzle game with 46 levels and 18 different background tunes. 46 levels might not sound like a lot, but this game isn’t exactly easy. I’m STILL (as of right this minute), stuck on level 7.

mobigames edge 1

The idea of the game is to push your cube around a geometric universe. As you do, you can run over smaller cubes for points and eventually find the teleport pad to the next level. That all sounds easy right? It is at first… But then moving elements are introduced that can cause all sorts of frustrations 🙂 But that’s the whole point of a puzzle game, finding a solution to frustrating elements.

mobigames edge 2

You can control the movement of your cube in one of 3 ways. You can use an on screen 4-way controller, use your finger to move the cube around, or use the accelerometer. I tried all three ways and ended up choosing the 4-way controller because for me, it seems to allow more precise movements and my finger doesn’t get in the way of what I need to see as I move. This game would REALLY benefit from a real physical joystick though because it does take practice to navigate the cube along narrow platforms.

The game can be played in portrait or landscape mode. A map in the upper corner helps you see where the next level teleport is located.

Edge from Mobigame is fun to play. It’s easy to learn, but very challenging to master. See ya, I have to go try to beat level 7. Those darn sliding blocks are driving me crazy!


Product Information

  • iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch iOS 3.0 or later
  • Visually appealing
  • 3 choices for movement control
  • Can be tough to control cube

4 thoughts on “App Spotlight – Mobigame Edge iPad Puzzle Game”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Gotten to level 24. Hits, some levels play much easier on different control types. I generally prefer using my finger to drag the cube, vs using onscreen keypad. However any time you need ton balance on your cubes edge, i find. Using onscreen keypad works better. You can tap quickly to simulate the balance.

  3. Hey nice game, which is one of my favorite puzzle game in iPad. I like the plateau, but its a 2D. This game has awesome features with 75-levels and different themes with different features.

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