“The Complete Android Guide” by Kevin Purdy

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paperbackNeed an inclusive guide to figuring out all the things on your Android phone? Kevin Purdy as written “The Complete Android Guide”, available here for $19.95 in print, or $9.95 in PDF form.

I have not read all 282 PDF screens yet, but so far it looks pretty interesting. There may not be much in here you cannot find elsewhere, but it is always nice to have it all in one place and thoughtfully arranged.

It would have been nice if it were more like the free iPhone/iPod Book downloadable book that is updated every year, but maybe something like that will come with time.

4 thoughts on ““The Complete Android Guide” by Kevin Purdy”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. @marak- Witty, but why not? I’m not saying the book is worth the cost (still have not gotten very far in it), but with a topic as wide-ranging as Android, paying to get all of the info neatly collected makes as much sense as the millions who bought more expensive books on free software and things like iTunes, eBay, Google, and Firefox because the book answered their questions better than they could on their own.

  3. @marak As the publisher, I can assure you that we’re offering the book in the spirit of an open-source (“free as in freedom”) effort. You are free to consume the book for free online at the site itself: http://www.completeguides.net/01_The_Complete_Android_Guide
    Or you can choose to buy the eBook or Print book versions if you’d like something you can read offline.

    @mark – let us know if you’d like for us to include any new content/chapters, etc. We intend to keep the book as up-to-date as is humanly possible.

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