The Gadgeteer turns 12yrs old – Big birthday giveaway!

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birthday-cakeTwelve years ago this month (give or take a week or two) I started The Gadgeteer as a goofy little review site on the then free webpage hosting service Geocities. People seemed to like my reviews, so I registered the domain name four months later, moved to a real hosting site – and the rest is history!

I want to celebrate this 12th birthday with all of you, because without you (and my awesome team of contributors), the site would never have grown to what it is today 🙂 Thank you, thank you, thank you!

For a chance to win an HP Pavilion dv4 laptop and lots of other goodies from (Vaja, Livescribe, Tom Bihn, Seagate, TokyoFlash, NZXT and FlipSide), keep reading!

Prize Details

1st place winner (1) will receive –
HP Pavilion dv4 (1145go) laptop with a 320GB hard drive and 4GB of memory
Tom Bihn ID Messenger bag and Brain cell sleeve
NZXT Cryo S laptop cooler
NZXT Avatar mouse
Livescribe SmartPen
Seagate FreeAgent Go hard drive (Red)
TokyoFlash Saishin Retsu (Gunmetal+Green LED) watch
Flipside wallet
$80 Vaja gift certificate

2nd place winner (1) will receive –
TokyoFlash NI (Stainless Steel+White LED) watch
Flipside wallet
$80 Vaja gift certificate

3rd place winner (1) will receive –
Flipside wallet
$80 Vaja gift certificate

4th place winners (7) will receive –
$80 Vaja gift certificate

How to enter

1. Between now and Sunday 08/09/2009 11:59PM EST, sign up with twitter and follow @thegadgeteer

2. Then send the following tweet:

RT Win an HP laptop and lots of other goodies @thegadgeteer Full details at

3. Come back here and leave a comment with your twitter name.

4. At some point on 08/10/2009, I’ll pick 10 random winners using The winners will be contacted by email and will have 48 hrs to accept their prize. If I do not receive an answer, I’ll do other drawings till all the prizes are gone.


1. One entry per person.

2. Must provide a US address for shipping.

3. Writers and friends of The Gadgeteer are exempt from entering this contest.

4. is not responsible for any lost packages or incorrect shipping addresses.

I want to give a HUGE thank you to the sponsors for this contest: HP, Vaja, Livescribe, Tom Bihn, Seagate, TokyoFlash, NZXT and FlipSide

Update 8/10/09 Winners Chosen:

Vaja Certs
1 Robert_j_m
2 Brett Q
3 Phil
4 FubarGuy
5 Sjan Evardsson
6 Dragan
7 Michele Pineda

3rd place

2nd place
Jeremy Rose

1st place
Vickie Bartlett

264 thoughts on “The Gadgeteer turns 12yrs old – Big birthday giveaway!”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Congrads on making to it to top of the tween pile. One suggestion, many of us follow you via the web rather than twitter. I personally would love to enter my name for the prizes, but am unwilling to join in to another medium to enter. I am afraid that twitter will take as much of my time as email, and sms and facebook and… 🙂

  3. I dont have a US shipping address but Happy Birthday from Scotland.
    I love this site as every product i consider purchasing, it seems has already been reviewed by Julie.
    Great jobs guys, and guyettes.

  4. Congrats on 12 years, maybe on 13th birthday UK people will be able to enter the comps? we always miss out 🙁

  5. Wow, congrats Julie and your contributors! I think I’ve been a regular reader almost that long. Twitter @nerdkub

  6. @jmkowalski

    Your review of the FlipSide wallet convinced me to buy one. I’ve search far and wide for the perfect wallet, I used a Jimi, an ATT ELL, a BigSkinny, a binderclip, a moneyband, a tyvek self folded, and a traditional leather bifold.

    Keep up the great work!

  7. Congrats on 12 years! You’ve guided me through three purchases so far, and I’ve been thrilled with them! I don’t do the twitter thing, so I guess I’m out of the running for the prizes, but congrats on your anniversary!


  8. Congratulations on 12 years! I don’t remember exactly when I started reading, but was around the time I bought my first PDA, a Palm III.
    Tweeted as @jb_henry

  9. Congrats, Julie! I’m a regular reader since 2003 when a I bought my first PDA, an iPaq 1910, after it was reviewed by you. Since then I could never have a day without checking your news through my newsreader.

    Unfortunatelly, I won’t take part of the giveaway cause I live in Brazil.

  10. Hello Julie, happy b-day! You have made my life much better!! I have read your site from my palms, jornadas, ipaqs, laptops, desktops, treo,cookie and itouch! after reading my email your are the next page I visit. I miss the ipaq, ipod and laptop reviews though but you are excellent, you make everyone feel like we are right there with you checking the new hardware. Please re-charge your batteries and keep doing new hardware reports for another 20 years at least! good luck and thank you! from Mexico! Los Mochis.

  11. Posted on twitter as lodschmod ! I’m here from gear diary, but I hadn’t realized this was the kind of blog I’d totally be into–you’re on my rss now! 😀

  12. Thank you for providing this service to everyone! Congrats on the 12 years and let there be more! Tweeted as @EinSF

  13. Heck, I’d be happy with the Vaja case coupon, but a new computer would be sooo cool! I’m npkeith on twitter

  14. Twelve is an awkward age, just on the cusp of those dreaded teen year. Congrats on the milestone. My tweet is MatthewTucker83

  15. I’ve been following “The Gadgeteer” for many years now. The reviews have always been “spot on” and I’ve never had the sense that a vendor had bought them off in return for a favorable review. Very honest reviews! Thank you for your many years of service to the TTASA community! (TTASA=Tech Toys Acquisition Syndrome Anonymous)

  16. WOW!! Sweet giveaway! Also, it’s so cool, that you have a really big website(obviously I’m talking about The Gadgeteer) and your friend founded Gear Diary, which is also really big!!

  17. Thanks, Julie! I wish I had found your site 12 years ago instead of 3. Keep up the good work, and thanks for the contest!

    @Civisi on Twitter.

  18. retweeted by @theheartofrock I Love your blog, I read everyone of your posts, and then I wait patiently for tomorrow. Thank you Judy

  19. Congratulations on this milestone Julie!

    Thanks for a wonderful site to visit.

    (contest! contest!) @drmcnutt

    Wish you the best.

  20. Happy Anniversary and congratulations, Julie!!
    Hope I win the laptop – promise to reformat the hard drive and find a way to get Snow Leopard to be the primary operating system (sorry, don’t like Vista or Windows 7/aka Vista SP2)

  21. Congrats on your twelfth birthday! I remember being on Geocities too – and leaving with my own domain as well =)

    Tweeted as ftjl

  22. congrats on 12 years of playing and doing what you love, and taking us along for the ride….

    Twitter handle is @ajWinner

  23. Happy 12th! Looking forward to the next 12…… Need my daily fix of the Gadgeteer. Thanks for the chance to win some great stuff… My 6 year old Dell needs to be set free!!! I can only hope…


  24. Julie,
    I TECHNICALLY haven’t written a review for the site either 🙂

    brucethehoon is my twitter name.


  25. a great site i’ve been following since the good old days of the palm Vx and T|T!

    Tweeted @absolutmuah

  26. Happy 12th! Been following for a few years now. Thanks for reviews and for the chance at winning awesome gear! Tweeted as @Robert_j_m

  27. I’ve been following you since the days when the primary focus was the Palm and WinCE PDAs. May you enjoy many more years of happy reviewing! Tweeted as @shel_tk

  28. Julian Williams

    julzzw is my Twitter name

    Happy Birthday Gadgeteer! Happens to be 2 days before my Birthday as well! Best Wishes!

  29. Tweeted as drofgif. Congratulations meeting the 12 year mark! That is a duration that many others could never claim…… Thanks for the contest opportunities as well.

  30. Happy Birthday to You!!! It’s been great reading everyday what is new and cool! Hope to see more and more Birthdays!

  31. Happy Birthday to You!!! It’s been great reading everyday what is new and cool! Hope to see more and more Birthdays! @MoNkEyMaN912

  32. Gadgeteer Happy Birthday!!!!!! It’s been awsome I wish I was able right now to try and join the team Husband getting the family moved and it hasn’t been easy but I enjoy reading the new post and learn so much Thanks for the Site!!!!!!!!!


  33. Happy Birthday Gadgeteer!! And many more to come!! This is one of my favorite websites. I always look forward to something new and sometimes wacky being reviewed here.


  34. Happy Birthday, Gadgeteer! It’s so nice of you to give us the chance to get presents on your big day.

    I twittered and my username is @ckkkmk.

    Save me a piece of cake.

  35. RT’d at @atomic22

    Thanks for the great giveaway, Julie. Big Gadgeteer fan for many years, best to you folks in for many more years. Congrats on the 12th Birthday!

  36. the site’s almost old enough to drive! next thing you know, it’ll be off to college. they grow up so fast. happy birthday, gadgeteer!

    twitter: joshjoshlol

  37. Update 8/10/09 Winners Chosen:

    Vaja Certs
    1 Robert_j_m
    2 Brett Q
    3 Phil
    4 FubarGuy
    5 Sjan Evardsson
    6 Dragan
    7 Michele Pineda

    3rd place

    2nd place
    Jeremy Rose

    1st place
    Vickie Bartlett

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