
Reviews about interesting gadgets, gear, mobile technology and lifestyle products.

SwitchBot K10+ Pro combo Robot Vacuum and Cordless Vacuum Cleaner review – The Yoda of vacuum cleaners now has Luke Skywalker on his back!

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REVIEW – I reviewed SwitchBot’s K10+ small but powerful robot vacuum here and love it! It’s outstanding at navigating small spaces, under chairs, and into corners that are a galaxy far, far away from larger models. SwitchBot’s engineers have added a cordless stick vacuum to the package for a better cleaning experience. Amazing! What is […]

SwitchBot K10+ Pro combo Robot Vacuum and Cordless Vacuum Cleaner review – The Yoda of vacuum cleaners now has Luke Skywalker on his back! Read More

AMZChef Cold Press Juicer review – Is the juice worth the squeeze?

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REVIEW – Juicing (in the sense of extracting juice from fruits and vegetables, not in the sense of being “juiced” or under the influence) is a popular health practice for many. Since we never lived in an area where typically juiced fruits were abundant growing up, my mom always got concentrated orange juice in a

AMZChef Cold Press Juicer review – Is the juice worth the squeeze? Read More

ACMER P3 IR&Diode Enclosed Dual Laser Engraver review – a powerful, versatile, safe, and easy to use laser engraver!

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REVIEW – I’ve reviewed a couple of laser cutter/engravers so far, but I haven’t had the chance to review an IR laser yet. Infrared lasers open up engraving and cutting with a range of new materials like metal and stone that diode lasers can’t handle, at a lower cost than most CO2 laser cutter/engravers. I

ACMER P3 IR&Diode Enclosed Dual Laser Engraver review – a powerful, versatile, safe, and easy to use laser engraver! Read More

Redodo 12V 140Ah Bluetooth Lithium Battery with 150A BMS review

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REVIEW – As I continue to build and remodel my garage, I am trying to think about the design including what devices and capabilities I need and can fit in the relatively small space. The design must include power options for 12V vehicles and those options must be mobile, powerful, capable, and flexible. Enter the

Redodo 12V 140Ah Bluetooth Lithium Battery with 150A BMS review Read More

APEXEL 120X Jewelers Loupe Microscope review – Adds a powerful macro lens to your phone

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REVIEW – I have been interested in macro photography since I was a kid and my dad won a photo contest for a close-up picture of a dandelion flower. My own macro photography is now done on products for my reviews. But I still enjoy trying to capture extreme close-up shots of flowers and nature.

APEXEL 120X Jewelers Loupe Microscope review – Adds a powerful macro lens to your phone Read More

KAMRUI E3B Mini PC review – Great little form-factor PC!

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REVIEW – Small form factor PCs have been around for years and have become more and more powerful as technology has continued to advance. Recently, I’ve been looking for a spare computer to use with my 3D printer and a laser engraver that have a fixed location. Up until now I’ve been using a laptop,

KAMRUI E3B Mini PC review – Great little form-factor PC! Read More

Vosteed Shilin Cutter pocket knife review – A knife worthy of your EDC consideration!

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REVIEW – A functional and interesting EDC knife? Yes, please! I’m testing the Shilin Cutter from Vosteed, which blends a traditional Taiwanese blade style with a very modern knife design. How does it all come together? Time to do some slicing. To the review! What is it? The Vosteed Shilin Cutter is an EDC pocket

Vosteed Shilin Cutter pocket knife review – A knife worthy of your EDC consideration! Read More

Sandmarc Hybrid Sling Bag review – A mobile deployment platform for all your tech & digital photography gear

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REVIEW – Tech heads and digital phototgraphers are gonna REALLY love this one. Sandmarc has a specialty niche in the iPhone photography and accessory market, and the Hybrid Sling Bag is their small-carry solution for organizing all of the photography-related things. It’s also pretty great as a general digital gear and travel bag. I spent

Sandmarc Hybrid Sling Bag review – A mobile deployment platform for all your tech & digital photography gear Read More

Marchpower 2-in-1 cordless water flosser review – Quickly removes the gunk from between teeth

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REVIEW – Do you have to use dental floss? Maybe you have really crowded teeth and have problems getting the floss between your teeth. Maybe you’re lazy and think that brushing is enough. First of all, brushing alone is great, but not flossing shouldn’t be an option. Leaving food between your teeth that the brush

Marchpower 2-in-1 cordless water flosser review – Quickly removes the gunk from between teeth Read More

Nank Runner Diver2 Pro bone conduction headphones review

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REVIEW – Most hearing folks, at some time or other, want to listen to content privately, whether it’s due to the personal nature of the audio, or to avoid irritating others. Earbuds and headphones tend to filter out the rest of the world, some even creating anti-noise to cancel out unwanted sounds. But what if

Nank Runner Diver2 Pro bone conduction headphones review Read More

Luma 2.5 Liter Electric Kitchen Composter review – turn your scraps into rich soil

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REVIEW – Several years ago when I purchased a home, my wife began to explore her green thumb in the garden. Since then her gardening has been widely successful encompassing both flowers and food. She is very much into ensuring that our family eats healthy and has spent much time pursuing organic compost. Every day,

Luma 2.5 Liter Electric Kitchen Composter review – turn your scraps into rich soil Read More

Case Black Carbon Fiber Weave CT2 Hunter knife review – A phenomenal little EDC fixed blade

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REVIEW – I’m typically a folding pocket knife kind of guy. It’s not that I don’t like fixed blades. I love them too, but I never found one I could conveniently carry all the time. Most of the time the fixed blades are too big or the sheath is bulky and uncomfortable. But, I watch

Case Black Carbon Fiber Weave CT2 Hunter knife review – A phenomenal little EDC fixed blade Read More

Ultimea Poseidon D80 Dolby Atmos 7.1 surround sound system review – Simple setup small speaker surround sound! Slick!

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REVIEW—Home theater surround sound has been around since 1992, but I’ve been reluctant to put it in my living room. It’s not that I didn’t want it, but I didn’t want to route the speaker wires through the floor or attic. Ultimea solves that problem with a wirelessly connected subwoofer and surround speakers with its

Ultimea Poseidon D80 Dolby Atmos 7.1 surround sound system review – Simple setup small speaker surround sound! Slick! Read More

WeCreat Vista laser engraver review – The compact and capable craft laser engraver

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REVIEW – I’ve reviewed quite a few lasers, but never one from WeCreat. When the review offer came along, I thought it would be a good time to review a laser that was a bit different than the ones I previously reviewed. The WeCreat Vista had a few unique features, so I was all about

WeCreat Vista laser engraver review – The compact and capable craft laser engraver Read More

PrimePutt Putting Mat review – Work on your short game 365 days a year

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REVIEW – Endorsed by PGA pros, the PrimePutt putting mat claims to be the truest simulation of real-world putting conditions available on the market. We got one to play with, and we have thoughts. To the review! What is it? The PrimePutt Putting Mat is a practice putting mat for golfers that can be used

PrimePutt Putting Mat review – Work on your short game 365 days a year Read More

Maxtang T0-FP750 Mini PC review – another great mini PC

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REVIEW – The mini PC is an interesting product, manufacturers have basically taken laptop components and crammed them into a small box. While these have been around for a while, early versions had pretty limited performance compared to comparable desktop PCs. Recently though, the gap between desktop and laptop CPUs in particular has gotten smaller

Maxtang T0-FP750 Mini PC review – another great mini PC Read More

Vosteed Marten 2.98” Top Liner Lock pocket knife review

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REVIEW – I have reviewed a few Vosteed knives with the latest being the Vosteed Hedgehog which is a stout little knife and the Vosteed Parallel which is a more discrete and gentlemanly knife. The Vosteed Marten bridges the gap between the two nicely. What is it? The Vosteed Marten is the latest knife from

Vosteed Marten 2.98” Top Liner Lock pocket knife review Read More