Chris Balcom

Plugable USB Type-C Power Delivery 10-port priority charger review – Look at all the pretty lights!

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REVIEW – These days it is almost impossible to get anything done on a computer without the use of some sort of dock, or dongle, or charging port.  So many things need to be plugged in.  So many things use up those precious ports.  And that’s where Plugable USB Type-C Power Delivery 10-port Priority Charger […]

Plugable USB Type-C Power Delivery 10-port priority charger review – Look at all the pretty lights! Read More

Redragon Fizz K617 magnetic hall effect keyboard review – The good, the bad, and the absolutely magnetic

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REVIEW – About 8 years ago I got sucked into the mechanical keyboard hobby.  And down a rabbit hole I went.  Over the years I had accumulated a myriad of different boards from various different companies.  But the Fizz K617 is the first board I have tried from Redragon.  And it is also the first

Redragon Fizz K617 magnetic hall effect keyboard review – The good, the bad, and the absolutely magnetic Read More

Funwhole Cyberpunk NeonCity model kit review – Brick by brick it started to click

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REVIEW – I have been a fan of LEGOs for as long as I can remember.  I used to stay the night at my friend’s house, where we would stay up until all hours of the night trying to use every last brick we had to build as big a city as we could manage. 

Funwhole Cyberpunk NeonCity model kit review – Brick by brick it started to click Read More

CIVIVI Baby Banter Fixed Blade review – A baby knife cutting at an advanced level

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REVIEW – Being a fan of all things EDC, I am constantly reading articles and watching YouTube videos on the subject.  Over the past year or so I kept coming across videos on the benefits of replacing a folding pocket knife with a fixed blade.  Naturally I was very intrigued as I had yet to

CIVIVI Baby Banter Fixed Blade review – A baby knife cutting at an advanced level Read More