biēm butter sprayer review

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biem butter sprayer 5

How often have you tried to spread butter on toast, a baked potato, bread, etc, only to find out that it’s just too cold and hard to spread? Yeah, I know, first world problems. But it is a real problem that could use a solution. One company invented the biēm butter sprayer to solve this issue. Let’s see if it works and if it’s worth it’s $129 price tag.

What is it?

The biēm butter sprayer (pronounced as “beam”) is battery powered butter heating and spraying device that uses no chemicals or propellants.

How does it work?

As butter is loaded into the biēm, it travels down from the product’s middle carriage into a reservoir. There, the biēm has layers of ultra-thin heaters that melt the butter. Once melted, butter moves up from the reservoir to spray.

What’s in the box?

biem butter sprayer 1

biēm butter sprayer
Battery charger
Battery pack
Quick start guide

biem butter sprayer 2

At first glance, you might mistake the biēm butter sprayer for a stainless steel water bottle or a fancy electric pepper mill. The biēm butter sprayer stands about 10.75 inches tall and has a stainless steel

The biēm butter sprayer stands about 10.75 inches tall and the back side has a brushed stainless steel cover with a diamond shaped power button and an LED above it.

biem butter sprayer 3

The sprayer side has a soft touch plastic covering with a hand grip and a knurled trigger in the center of the sprayer. At the top is the nozzle with an LED light above it.

biem butter sprayer 4

The bottom of the biēm butter sprayer slides off to reveal the battery compartment where the V shaped rechargeable battery is stored.

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The top of the sprayer twists off to access the butter reservoir.

Before you use the biēm butter sprayer for the first time, you need to load a charged battery and clean the butter reservoir. To clean the sprayer, you remove the top of the sprayer, fill it with warm water and a drop of dishwashing liquid. Then you put the cap back on, press the diamond shaped power button to turn it on. Then you hold down the button for 5 seconds to enter cleaning mode. You can then press the trigger to spray out the warm water for 10 seconds. Then you remove the lid, dump out the remaining water and repeat the sequence without adding soap this time.

Let’s melt some butter!

biem butter sprayer 8

After you’ve cleaned the sprayer, it’s time to load a stick of butter. The biēm butter sprayer holds US sized sticks of butter like the one shown above.

biem butter sprayer 10Loading the stick into the sprayer is as easy as removing the wrapper and dropping it in the chamber.

biem butter sprayer 9

There’s the butter, all cozy and ready to be melted.

biem butter sprayer 5

The next step is to press the power button which has an LED around it that pulses in blue. When the light stops pulsing and is solid blue, you know that the butter is ready to spray.

biem butter sprayer 7

To spray the butter, you grab the biēm butter sprayer in either hand and press the trigger above the curved grip.

biem butter sprayer 11

Finding the trigger isn’t easy and I think a more obvious button would be a welcome change.

Once you figure where the trigger is, you aim and spray.

See it in action

What isn’t shown in the quick video demo is that a little bit of butter continues spray from the nozzle after you let go of the button. So if you let go and lift the sprayer to set it back down on the counter, the butter will spray on whatever is near by. You kind of have to train yourself not to move the sprayer until it stops spraying.

As you saw in the video, it took awhile to melt the butter that first time I put a brand new stick of cold butter in the chamber. I hoped that this was just a one time wait and that subsequent wait times would be significantly less. Unfortunately, even after leaving the biēm on the counter in a 73-74 degree house, each time I would use the sprayer, I’d have to wait 30-50 seconds before it was ready to spray.

I also didn’t like that I had no idea how much butter I was putting on my foods. According to the info on the biēm website, each second of spray time = .4g of butter. Yeah, that doesn’t mean anything to me either…

Final thoughts

When it’s all said and done, the biēm butter sprayer is a cool idea, but in my opinion, it’s just not worth the $129 price tag. If it instantly sprayed melted butter with no wait time and was priced around $50, I’d be more likely to want to buy one. But as it is, I think I’ll stick to sitting the cold dish of butter out on the cabinet an hour or so before I plan to use it and save the cash for another gadget.

I also read a lot of negative comments on the biēm butter sprayer Kickstarter campaign page, which also makes me leery of buying one.

Updates 09/12/17

As I guessed would happen, I haven’t used this butter sprayer since I finished the review. A week or so after the review, I planned to clean it and box it up, only to find out that the battery was dead. I’ve been too lazy to recharge the battery, so the biēm butter sprayer is still sitting on my counter taking up space and collecting dust.

Source: The sample for this review was provided by Brevda inc. Please visit their site for more info.


Product Information

Manufacturer:Brevda inc.
  • Sprays melted button in about a minute
  • Has a light to help you see where you're spraying
  • Have to wait up to a minute even when the sprayer has been sitting out on the counter for days
  • Continues to spray after you let go of the button
  • Expensive

25 thoughts on “biēm butter sprayer review”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
    1. Well Guess what it is a bomb, it failed after a few weels and they do not offer a refund and keep telling me they are working on Version 2.0. as of 5/16/18 they no longer reply to FB message or Email. Money lost.
      Many complaints online,

      1. Well, I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who is having problems with the Biem. I bought 2 of these things and I’ve never been so sorry to help an entrepreneur as I am right now. I ordered them in January 2017. I received them in July 2017. The batteries stopped holding a charge after a few months. I’ve been emailing Biem’s customer service from January 2018 thru today (July 2018). I received a few emails from, Julie in customer service. She has told me 3 times, over a 5-month period, “We are working on a new version and we’ll be in touch soon.” My last email to “Julie” was that I wanted a full refund. After researching this company online, I’m beginning to believe I’ll have to write this off. Very sad!!

        1. Julie must be their only employee. She is the one that always answers me with the same response. Working on a new version.

      2. I am in the same boat. Mine quit after about 2 sticks of butter! Leaking out the bottom. High dollar piece of crap that they will not replace. Keep saying they are working on even a newer and better version.

  2. So does this basically melt the whole stick and then just push it up from the bottom through the hole? (Anything more complicated then that would seem to me to be cleaning nightmare.

    What do you do with it after breakfast? Back in the fridge?

    Also, looks more like a “stream”, then a “spray”.
    Interestingly, their “quick start” video show much more of a “stream” then their Kickstarter video does.

    1. It doesn’t melt the whole stick. Just some at a time.

      I’m not convinced that their cleaning routine really works that well.

      I’ve left it on the counter, but you can put it in the fridge if you like. Butter that is covered can stay out of the fridge for days with no spoilage.

  3. At last, our long national nightmare of unspreadable butter is over, and it only costs $129 to end it.

    On the other hand, there does not appear to be any sort of butter gauge to let you know when to add another stick. Imagine you are in a hurry but have budgeted the extra minute to get your potato sprayed, only to learn you are out of sprayable butter and now must wait an extra few minutes while you reload.

    Maybe all we have done is trade one nightmare for another. And we call this progress.

  4. Entertainingly, the amazon ad-bar under the article showed me the Presto Hot Topper Automatic – an electric butter sprayer from 25 years ago 🙂 (I had the non-electric one back in college – whole thing was plastic, you just popped it in the microwave before using it; dishwasher safe but maybe not all that effective, *great* for popcorn though.)

  5. This is the biggest scam and piece of garbage I have EVER bought! Bought in 10/16–yes, 2016–and didn’t receive until late JULY 2017–after being told month after month from January it was “on its way”! After the 1st use–NOTHING! let sit in fridge, took it out and tried to push the heating button–NOTHING–FROZEN. Let it sit on counter for 24 hours and tried again–NOTHING–FROZEN. Changed batteries and cleaned it out–NOTHING–FROZEN. Finally threw it away in disgust. This piece of GARBAGE SELLS FOR $150. —IT STOPPED WORKING AFTER ONE USE AND BEING IN THE FRIDGE FOR 2 WEEKS! I have seen many, many reviews of this “product” and they are ALL NEGATIVE. Same issues. Their warranty policy is “replace or fix unit at their discretion”. LOL Who wants another piece of garbage that doesn’t work?????

    1. Dennis Shrewsbury

      I agree.Do not waste your money on this overhyped pos.
      The first one I received did not work at all. The company did replace it after a year. I had had asked for a refund but only heard they were working to fix it. The new one works but I am not impressed.

  6. I agree with L.J. Rich, scam! I too waited forever to receive my Biem, then used it with one stick of butter, and never able to use it or get it to work again. I contacted Biem, got a response from Julie who stated that their engineers were working on a solution, last I heard from her was in August. I finally got disgusted, emailed her again a few days ago, and was told that that they were still working on it. Bullshit! I requested my money back, and was told they had a 14 day return policy, are you kidding me! Took them 9 months to send it, and finally worked for one stick of butter and then nothing but a run-around since, and I should abide by their 14 day policy! Don’t buy this piece of garbage, I might just drive to Austin to hand deliver it back myself!

    1. Same happened to me. Every time I try to spray it the top pops off. Didn’t even get through one stick. Julie said the same thing…. waste of money

  7. Same thing here. Took 7 months to get it , then it broke and was told the engineers are working on a fix. That was last summer
    It is garbage

  8. Just got an email from Julie to expect shipping details within the next 2 weeks. I hope they have fixed the problems that I have seen here and that I actually get it.

  9. Angus MacTavish

    Bought two. The first clogged after two weeks and could not be fixed. I took the second one that I held as a future gift out and went to use it. Less than a week later it too malfunctioned. A total right off. Do not waste your money.

  10. My experience parallels that of Mr. Angus MacTavish. I got some amount of use from the sprayer until such time as it mysteriously stopped functioning. I tried all of the suggested remedies but had no luck in resuscitating it.
    I would certainly like to try one of the newer, improved models because when it worked, I got quite a bit of use from it. Actually miss it in more than a few ways.
    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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