Deal: Instantly save $150 on a brand new Samsung Galaxy S8

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s8 deal

Need a new Android smartphone and want to the latest and greatest from Samsung? Then it’s your lucky day because you can save on a shiny new Samsung Galaxy S8 when you shop directly from Samsung. Save $150 instantly on a Samsung Galaxy S8 and save an additional $150 when you trade-in an eligible phone.

According to Samsung’s site:

The following devices are eligible for the $150 Trade In Value: iPhone 5 and above, iPhone SE, Galaxy S5 and above, Note 5, LG G4 and above, Google Pixel & Pixel XL. The devices must be in good condition (meaning it powers on and holds a charge; has a functioning display; has no breaks or cracks or other visible defects that go beyond normal wear and tear; and is not on a black list of any kind) to be eligible for Trade-In. Prior to trading in device, you must perform a factory reset and remove all personal information from device and eligible devices must have reactivation lock, Google Factory Reset Protection and all other anti-theft locking software disabled. Devices not meeting these criteria will not qualify for the trade-in program. Click here for Terms & Conditions to learn more.

This deal is for a limited time only with no details on when it ends, so head over to now for all the details.

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