Click & Grow introduces DIY gardening – sorta

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diy garden

Growing your own food is awesome because you know where it came from and how it was grown (with or without pesticides). But gardening itself takes some effort if you want the plants to actually live long enough to produce fruits and vegetables. The folks at Click & Grow are no strangers to making gardening products that bring food growing capability to everyone. Even people who think they have black thumbs. A few years ago I reviewed their Smartpot system and thought it was a cool idea. Click & Grow has released similar products since then and now their latest product is the DIY Garden Starter Kit.

The DIY Garden Starter Kit includes 9 plant cups that have a wick that draws the exact right amount of water into the cup when submerged in water.

Unlike previous Click & Grow growing products, the DIY kit does not use batteries or power.  The plant cups contain Click & Grow’s NASA-inspired Smart Soil technology which is a nanotech material engineered to supply plant roots with the right amount of oxygen, water, and nutrients. No pesticides, fungicides, hormones or any other kind of harmful substances are used.

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It’s up to you to make the holder for the cups though. That’s where the DIY part of the system comes into play. You can get creative by using LEGO, Mason jars, etc.

The Click & Grow DIY Starter Kit is available for $29.95. Growers are able to fill the cups included in the starter kit with the plants, herbs, veggies, and fruits refill capsules that include plants like kale and chili peppers for $19.95 for 3 capsules. For more info visit Click & Grow and their Amazon store.

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