The Gadgeteer’s 15th Birthday Giveaway

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You know the old saying “time flies when you’re having fun”? It is so true. I can’t believe that I’ve been doing The Gadgeteer for 15 years. I started this site back in 1997, which seems like the stone age as far as gadgets are concerned. Back in those days, cutting edge meant a Palm Pilot and a 28.8kbps modem. Now we carry smartphones that are a 100 times more powerful than those original PDAs and more than 200 times faster than our old dial up modems. Besides gadgets, The Gadgeteer has seen other changes over the years, from the way the site looks, to the great team of writers and all of you who visit every day. Let’s celebrate with some presents! Full contest details after the jump.

Prize Pack 1

15yr prize11
WaterField Designs Outback Muzetto gear bag (your size and color choice) – Review of 10″ Version
TokyoFlash Watch of your choice
Saddleback Leather small Moleskine cover – Review
Exotac FreeKey System – Review
Exotac Black nanoSTRIKER XL  – Review
Scosche switchBACK Surge g4 iPhone case / battery
Urbanears Bagis earphones
Goal Zero Nomad 7 Solar Panel

Prize Pack 2

15yr prize2

Tom Bihn Ego gear bag – Review
TokyoFlash Watch of your choice
Saddleback Leather small Moleskine cover – Review
Exotac FreeKey System – Review
Exotac Black nanoSTRIKER XL – Review
Ego Hybrid Series USB iPhone case – Review

Prize Pack 3

15yr prize3

Saddleback Leather small Moleskine cover – Review
Exotac FreeKey System – Review
Satechi 12-Port USB Hub
Desk Pets Carbot

How to enter (please read carefully – any missed steps and your entry will be disqualified):

1. Between now and 09/05/2012 11:59PM EST leave a comment telling us what your favorite gadget has been from the past 15 years.

2. At some point on 09/06/2012, I’ll pick 3 random winners using The winners will be contacted by email and will have 48 hrs to choose their prize pack. Winner #1 gets first choice, winner #2, gets their choice of remaining prize packs and winner #3 will get the last remaining prize pack. If I do not receive an answers to my emails, I’ll do other drawings till the prize are gone.


1. Only one entry per person (warning: I check IP addresses).

2. Gadgeteer writers, family members and close friends may not enter this contest.

3. is not responsible for any lost packages or incorrect shipping addresses.

4. Failure to follow instructions will result in the entry being disqualified.

I want to give a HUGE thank you to Desk Pets, EgoExotacGoal Zero, Saddleback Leather, Satechi, ScoscheTom BihnTokyoFlash, Urbanears and Waterfield Designs for sponsoring this contest!

Update: The Winners are:

#75 Evan Jones
#44 June Reich
#10 Chris Miller

317 thoughts on “The Gadgeteer’s 15th Birthday Giveaway”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. My favorite gadget from the last 15 years is the Uboard Monitor Stand. I bought one, based on the review on your site, and have not regretted it. I love it. Thanks for 15 years of great gadget reviews!

  3. I’d have to say my favorite gadget has been my droid bionic smartphone. I’ve always had pagers and had a nextel, but the new generation of phones is just great, and i can’t wait for the day they take over computers.

  4. My favorite gadget from the last 15 years is still the TiVo. What a change it made for the entire industry!

  5. I really love my iPad so that would be my favorite gadget. Tech has changed so much over the last 15 years that every year I end up with a new favorite gadget.

  6. My first real love gadget was the Originaal Sidekick (b/w version) that came out in circa 2002. before that, I could not afford the Nokia 900’s, or whatever else was out there at the time, and set up was atrocious! I had always loved gadgets (computers mostly, and radios, cb’s, etc (WhAT’s A CB?!) but this was the first all-in-one gadget I could get my mail, Instant Message (AIM!) and even make a phone call. It was simply and to the point. It was even the first gadget with a built in application store! It was my first true love, and I took it everywhere. I loved DangerOS! Anyway, that is my story and I am sticking to it! 🙂

  7. So many gadgets to choose from but one has made a huge improvement in my life. The Swimp3 by Finis. I use it all the time and it has made my swims amazing and much more frequent. I am in way better shape because of it.

  8. I’ve had lots of favorite gadgets over time, but the iPhone is my favorite of all time (so far).

  9. Picking my favorite gadget is hard…I love my Roku as it has become my main source for watching anything on my TV but I’ve also recently become attached to my Kindle Fire…tough decision, but I’ll go with the Roku.

  10. I really loved my Sharp Wizard PDA in the mid-90s – the cigarette-lighter sized 300-baud modem was so cute! Now my favorite is my Nike FuelBand – great watch for onstage since it lights up, plus the exercise tracking.

  11. In terms of Gadgets for my phone(S3), I would have to say ‘The Gameklip’ is my favorite gadget for my phone( Its more than unique! Strangers already ask me what phone I have, now they ask if Im playing Call of Duty on my S3! Its a very simple yet awesome design. Connecting my S3 to my PS3 controller is far from necessary but thats the point..Pushing our devices and gadgets to the limit.

  12. My favorite — USB.
    USB came about, I believe, in about 1996 and came into widespread use with the advent of USB 1.1 in about 1998 and 2.0 in about 2000. USB is the one common thread through the whole data revolution.

  13. My favorite Gadget over the last 15 years has been the iphone 4… I use this for everything in my life right now… the efficiency is astounding

  14. Easy. The ROKU. I read about it here and then compared models on Amazon before buying last winter. Plugged it in where the blu-ray player had been, and haven’t watched a physical copy of a movie since.

  15. Melissa (oddharmonic)

    My favorite gadget of the past 15 years is pretty low-tech – a little tool for needlework called the Stitch Fixer. The tool is double-ended with one end looking like the eye end of a needle with the eye open (like a fork) and the other looking like a blunt-tipped needle with about a 20-degree bend that’s great for picking apart knots and snarls. I had two in different sizes and lost them in a move; now I keep hoping to find another somewhere since my usual sources have been “temporarily out of stock” for over a year now.

  16. My favorite gadget right now is my Galaxy SII phone. I’m using it to listen to music, take pictures and help me organize my life. My favorite gadget from when i first started reading The Gadgeteer was the original Palm Pilot. Thank you for 15 years of great reviews and insights into… things! 🙂

  17. OMG there are so many things you have made me look at and eventually purchase. I have to say the Timbuk2 bags have been a particular favorite of my family’s.

  18. Julie, happy birthday to the gadgeteer.
    I’ve been lurking and some times commented, for about 14 years now. Reading and watching all your reviews, and buying some stuff when you wanted to get rid of the review units.
    For me, the best gadget of all time, and I still use it, is my incredible Newton Message Pad 2100. Incredible software, incredible and durable hardware. No contest. The iPhone? Please…

  19. Has to be Apple. I am not a great lover of the iPhone or iPad, I used an iPhone and I own an iPad, but are not my computers of choice. It is the door they opened for all other manufactures of tablets and Smartphones. Look at the selection of great units that are available and the in-roads that Samsung and others have achieved.

  20. My favorite gadget has to be my Logitech M570 Trackball mouse. I love it. I have one at home and at work (which I bought so that I could keep when I changed jobs).

    I have other more “hi-tech” kinds of stuff but this has never let me down, and with a good battery lasts a very long time.

  21. Happy Birthday, Gadgeteer! You are one of my daily reads! I’ve only been following you for about a year, but my favorite gadgets have been the Col. Littleton leather goods. Classic, well made and entirely out of my price range, but beautiful!

  22. Without a doubt it is the iPhone. It doesn’t matter which one they all have changed the way I interact with electronics.

  23. Happy Happy Birthday!

    Shucks 15 years? pretty much computers in general! but seriously, my all time favorite gadget would have to be my…

    .::~* Nintendo Game Boy (original/color) *~::.

    almost 15 years right? :p

    Without all the memories of standing in long lines at the store.. waiting at the doctors office, or just plain riding in the car for hours – My sanity and my personality wouldnt be the same if I hadnt had my daily fix of pokemon, tetris, or james bond.

    Thank you for all the good reads and honest reviews, you have made my internet experience personal and have given me insights on all the future gadgets I’ve bought or plan to buy.

    Good luck everyone, may I wish the best and highest good for all.

  24. Palm V. And, as a bonus, it’s how I first found this site: I was looking for reviews before I bought it.

  25. First – Happy Birthday!!! And thanks for the giveaway!!!

    As much as I love my iPhone, and I do – I have to give my love to my first smartphone – Palm Centro. I LOVED that little thing. I actually still have it sitting at home, because I can’t make myself throw it away. A great little device.

  26. Probably my Kindle – I’ve read hundreds of books on my Kindle and carry dozens of unread books at a time. I used to use an incredible amount of luggage space carrying books on vacation (I average reading a book a day when relaxing).

  27. Congratulations on reaching 15 years! I started reading The Gadgeteer in the late 90’s for PDA and accessory reviews.

    My favorite gadget within the last 15 years is the iPhone – it has replaced several other gadgets for me and is my most often-used electronic “tool” for work and play.

    My second most favorite gadget is the Palm V PDA because it was my first significant multifunction electronic gadget and it opened my eyes to the possibilities of mobile technology in day-to-day life.

  28. I have loved them all, but the last one I bought based on your review was the Tom Bihn travel tray. I love this thing! It keeps me organized and I know where all my stuff is when I’m traveling on the road. Thanks for your continued recommendations!

  29. My favorite gadget is Tivo from the past 15 years. Not sure what I would do without it!!!!

  30. I’d have to say it was my T-Mobile G1.

    It was so far ahead of its competitors abilities at the time as t be close to magic! And the one I have still works great!

    Happy 15! I still lok back fondly to reading The Gadgeteer back in my days working for USR and readin reviews of the latest Palm products!

    Here’s to 15×10 more!

  31. My favorite gadget from the past 15 years: my trusty Palm TX
    I still use it occasionally even though I have an iPhone.

  32. Without a moment’s hesitation, my favorite gadget of all time is my iPad2. It is liberating. I used to carry around my netbook all excited with PC mobility. Then the smartphone came out and you really improved PC mobility capabilities. However, smartphone screens and keyboard is really too small. But, the iPad2, the size of the screen, a comfortable virtual keyboard, the color, the touch screen, the camera, the speaker – what can I say. I love my iPad. Keep them coming Apple because people may fuss and fight about it but Apple knows what it’s doing.

  33. There are so many technologies that have blossomed over the last fifteen years and now feel essential, but the one gadget that I’ve become more attached to than any other is the Kindle.

  34. The e-ink e-reader. I use a kindle, but it’s mainly the e-ink technology I prefer. After using it for a short period, the technology can be overlooked and the book content gets all of the attention like it should.

  35. I, like many others here, think my iphone is my favorite gadget. I certainly use it more than anything else!

  36. My favorite gadget has gotta be my iMac G4 or iLamp from 10 years ago. It was the best looking desktop ever created and I still use it today.

  37. My current favorite gadget is the iPad. I use it every day. My first favorite gadget was the Palm Pilot. I had the original version, the Palm IIIc and a Sony Clie. I still use the IIIc to play games!

  38. My favorirte Gadget was my Psion 5. The keyboard was fantastic and the apps were useful. Screen was appalling – but what could they have done if they had continued with the epoc OS.

  39. A zeos PPC — a “palmtop” (80186 + 1 GB ram + 2 GB ram drive) with a 4/5’s sized keyboard, CGA LCD screen and ran on 3 AA batteries for 7 hours. That with a slip connection, push-button script and modem would call out every morning, upload any emails/usenet posts and download new ones. I had that from 1994 until 2000 and still miss it.

    I wrote many a research paper with that.

  40. My BlackBerry(s). It has always kept me connected and still does. Been a user since 2005 and loved all of those years. Even if RIM has taken so much stick from all of the other mobile tech giants…

  41. My favourite gadget is my iPAD in my Crumpler Local Identity backpack. Add a few essentials, like money and ID, and I’m ready for anything on the road or in the air.

  42. I love gadgets, and I really love this site. I only discovered it 3 years ago! Can’t believe it has been in existence for 15 years! WOW Julie WOW!

    OK to business. My favorite mobil gadget has to be my iPod Touch. I recently bought a iPad which I am learning to love. But got to say it’s my Touch that I can’t leave home without!

    Happy Birthday Gadgeteer!

  43. iPad2. Hands down, no choice. It goes with me everywhere.

    Part of me misses the simplicity of my Handspring Visor, or even my Palm III though.

  44. Happy birthday Gadgeteer!

    My favorite gadgets over the years have been many, but the one I put on the top is the Handspring Visor Deluxe which I bought after reading your review of it, then ended up owning and using it for many years. A great device.


  45. My favorite gadget has got to be the iphone. Cant ever leave the house without it and if I do I am turning around to go back and get it.

  46. happy birthday!

    My favorite gadget is easily my iPhone, but followed really closely by my xbox360.

  47. When I got my first palmpilot, I thought it was the bee’s knees. Never mind I had to squint at the screen when the light was dim, I had a device that would last for *weeks* on a pair of batteries. Amazing device.

  48. My favorite gadget has got to be the Iphone. Cannot live without it. Followed closely for obvious reasons by the Ipad, which has single-handedly increased my reading by 200%!. Love the Gadgeteer.

  49. The Lumi Inkodye. I bought some for my wife (Art Teacher) and she loves it! Thank you so much for all of the great items that you feature!

  50. Favorite Gadget is iPad. Thought is was going to be silly, but now that I have two of them (iPad 1 and NEW iPad), I love them

  51. Hands down it has been the IPAD. Even after years of PDAs Windows tablets and the rest it has been the one I have used consistantly the longest.

  52. I like the exotac that is part of your prize pack. it is so simple, and yet so very needed/wanted.

  53. I have to go with my beloved Sony NX60 Clie.
    I had read the The Gadgeteer review of the 70v model [ ], but decided I didn’t need the camera. Money well spend and research well done.
    I really liked the “back and forth” style review with Judy.
    The 60 is still in daily use as a quik-gamer, for Bejeweled, Chuzzle, and the like, in the “Gentleman’s Small Reading Room”. Everything still works like outta-da-box and it’s still in the Brando aluminum case that I probably saw reviewed here, too.

  54. I think my favorite was my original PalmPilot.
    Or is it my Android smartPhone…Or is it my iPad 3? Do I have to pick a favorite? I think I bought just about every gadget that has hit the market over the last 15 years and I loved them all at one point or another!

  55. It has to be iphone, of course. Can’t live without it !!! BTW, Happy 15th Birthday !!!

  56. My favorite gadget probably changes on a monthly basis as that is how quickly technology changes these days. Currently my favorite gadget is my Samsung Galaxy S3. I had the IPhone since it fist came out before you could even get apps on them and I recently switched to the “dark side” and my only disappointment is that I didn’t switch sooner! I love the Samsung Galaxy S3 as it is much more flexible and powerful than the IPhone was.

  57. My current favorite gadget is my belkin Bluetooth auxiliary receiver for my car stereo. I listen to tech podcasts in my car

  58. Its hard to pick a favorite, but mine would have to be a tie between my blackberry 957 and treo 650…I was such the envy of all my friends and co-worker and those two gadgets solidified my “gadget guy” moniker.

  59. There have been so many…. But probably the best is the iPad. I’m on the iPad3 now, but doubt that I would have ‘tasted the iPad Koolaid’ without the Gadgeteer. In fact, I WAS NOT an Apple person until that iPad. Now have the Mac Book Air and many other Apple thingies. Thanks for all the great advice. You can never go wrong on a Gadgeteer recommendation.

  60. my favorite gadget was the Palm LifeDrive. with functional Palm operations and storage galore. it had portability and color screen.
    touch sensitive screen and readable fonts.. could read my ebooks and never had to worry about running out of space. and it could connect with my Windows machine and carry copies of documents and still play games!

  61. It all started with Palm Pilot evolving to Sony then Ipaq until Ipod Touch which now my son uses after 3 yrs of service for me. Now, it continues with Iphone.

  62. My personal favourite gadget is the original line of iPod nanos. Small enough to carry, not so small they floated out of your pocket.

  63. My favorite gadget from the last 15 years is the Freekey! So simple, why hadn’t it been done before?

  64. Has to be my original Palm Pilot – led me here to the Gadgeteer which in turn brought so many more “favorite” gadgets into my life, but the Palm Pilot has to be my favorite without it not sure I’d have had so much fun on my gadget journey.

  65. My iPhone has to be my favorite gadget. Previously used separate Palm device, having a smartphone that allowed decent websurfing and apps that really changed the functionality of the phone was a gamechanger

  66. Droid RAZOR, just got it last week, still learning how to use it and I don’t know what I did before I had one!

  67. Although it no longer exists but was great in its day was the IPAQ PDA. It is no match for current technology but when it came out it was fantastic. Color!

  68. My favorite gadget for the last fifteen years is the original iPod (remember that one?). It was the device that started it all. For the first time, I could carry my whole music collection with me everywhere. Plus, the sound quality is very decent.

  69. I’d say my macbook pro because it’s home base for all my other gadgets to plug into. but if I went back 15 years ago I’d say my Garmin GPS 3. It was the first handheld with a map. My dad still uses it because he can’t figure out the new ones.

  70. The reason I found this site, Scottevest hidden cargo pants. The gadget that lets you carry all your gadgets.

  71. I have to say my fav gadget is the smart phone- and I prefer the Android system – currently rocking the Desire-Z just can’t get enough of a physical keyboard. All I wish is that they tech giants stop their infighting and just everyone build better (and eco friendly) things – and just let the buyer decide what they like. Thanks for the great site – and all the tech.

  72. My favorite gadget of the last 15 years? I’d have to say my Samsung Galaxy II Smartphone.

  73. Tough Choice!. My Olight m20 is carried every where from the woods on camping trips to the office. My brunton solar rechargable battery keeps my tablet charged every day. But my all time best gadget is the Jetboil stove backpacking stove. From blackouts in the winter to a week in the woods with my boy scouts this thing is awesome. There is nothing like brewing two cups of coffee in less than 3 minutes. and sipping it slowly at dawn while my grand kids and the other scouts are still asleep in their tents.

  74. Even being a tech weenie, the HOST Studios Deluxe Aerator and Pourer is my absolute favorite. I immediately ordered 1 for myself and one for my sister. Amazing! It works very well and I really like it

  75. My favorite gadget of the last 15 years is the Fingerworks TouchStream Stealth keyboard. I’ve had one since 2002. It was my first taste of what a fully programmable multi-touch surface with gesture support would mean. I have bought several models of these keyboards over the last 10 years, and I still use one of these keyboards every day. Fingerworks is the company that Apple acquired in 2005 to get their multi-touch technology, and promptly discontinued all their products. I’m glad the technology lives on in almost every Apple product, but they still have yet to release a keyboard that was as useful and functional as the TouchStream.

  76. I first started reading this site when I was looking for a good stylus. I loved your review of the adonit touch stylus and I love the product.


  77. My Leatherman has been my favorite gadget for a number of years. Were it not for TSA, I would take it literally take it everywhere. As I do not trust the baggage gorillas to leave my luggage alone, I am forced to travel lighter….sadly.

    1 tool. So many options.

  78. I’m going to go with something few of your readers have ever heard of. Around 1999 I had a Ricochet modem from Metricom. It offered wireless Internet before 3g existed. It was big and bulky but it was sub-zero cool. Second place goes to my OQO 02, third place to my Motion m1300. Life on the bleeding technological edge.

  79. I’d have to say my iPhone by far. Over my iPad, kindle and the toaster. Like an Amex card, I can’t leave home without it!!!

  80. I’m going to go with something few of your readers have ever heard of. Around 1999 I had a Ricochet modem from Metricom. It offered wireless Internet before 3g existed. It was big and bulky but it was sub-zero cool.

  81. Actually, There are so many cool things that I have seen on this website. I remember first seeing the waterfield brand on your website, I must have spent hours looking at all their stuff.

    I love their bags

    Keep up the good work.

  82. Happy 15th Birthday!

    My favorite gadget would definitely have to by my trusty Cowon iAudio X5L. This thing has taken quite a beating but keeps on truckin’. The battery still lasts for hours on end and the sound quality is still the best I’ve found in a portable device. I continue to use it today on the road and connected to the home stereo.

  83. My favorite gadget has got to be my Nokia N73, though I have an S3, My N73 has been with me since I was high school ,Up to now i’m still satisfied with it. More power to gadgeeter.

  84. My favorite gadget is still my Palm TX. I prefer its ability to snap to the EXACT word I’m searching for, compared to my iPod Touch’s snap to the PAGE containing the word I’m searching for. I also miss using Graffiti. I also wish the iPT had a way of listing apps in order of the most recently added, as does the Kindle Fire; it would help in getting practice on new apps before they’re forgotten in the mix.

  85. Happy Birthday!

    One of my favorite gadgets has to be my Sony Ericsson S710a
    phone. That “scissors” way of opening it, the LARGE (for the time) 4.3″ screen, it was one of my favorites. It’s a shame it met a death no device should, smashed to pieces when it fell about 10 feet. I still have the remains in the box…maybe I should give it a proper burial LOL.

  86. My favorite gadget from the past 15 years was an early Archos MP3 player that I had years ago. It was big and ugly, but I looked cool and had 6 GB of music when others were still carrying around CD’s.

  87. Happy 15, may you have many more!

    My favorite gadget is my Swiss Army Knife. I gave it to my father for Christmas a LONG time ago and received it back when he passed on. It is a gadget that I use nearly every day but has a nostalgic hold on me. That has made it live through many, many other pieces of gear that have come and gone.

  88. Can’t remember the name of the stuff, but it is sortof like play-dough that hardens into a stiff rubber. It has saved many cables and plugs for me; including a set of headphones.

  89. Julie – I have been a loyal reader at your site for most of these past 15 years! Thanks for keeping this going! I always look forward to your insight and thoughts about new tech, along with your fellow contributors! I even purchased a few items at your “Gadgeteer Garage Sales”. Remember those? My favorite gadget was the Palm Tungsten C! It was one of the first PDAs to provide built-in wifi capabilities, coupled with the physical keyboard. It was a “blackberry” without the data charges, my MP3 player, all in the same device that help my PIM data. I miss the days when we posted at your forums with out PDA “progression”. Re. Palm Personal >> Palm V >> Palm Vx >> Palm M505 >> Handera 330 >> Palm T|C >> Treo 600 >> etc, etc, etc! What will the next 15 years bring?

  90. You never forget your first: Palm Tungsten T with a folding keyboard. I got a lot of stuff written with it. I keep up the tradition with my iPad.

  91. My favorite gadget has been the first generation Ipod Touch. It has allowed me to take my collection of music with me while I travel from place to place throughout my day. As well as play games, and use the internet. It has provided me these services for the past 5 years. Battery still lasts long.

  92. The most influential piece of technology I have owned in the last 15 years was the first iPhone. It was a breakthrough in mobile computing at the time, and is still one of the mobile devices with the most loyal customers. Ever since then I have been that Apple cult member who waits in line every launch at 4:30 AM. From this I have evolved into using a iPad as a supplement to my devices workflow and have been grateful that a service such as iCloud exists to bring all of my technology together.

  93. Palm Pilot Tungsten E: e-books, spiffy calendars, notes, and more in a neat little package with a great text entry system.

  94. my favorite gadget for the past 15 years has got to be the PDA/smartphone. i’ve been through a lot of them – starting with the Palm V, m505, a Sony nz90, then when the smartphone concept became more mainstream, i moved up to Windows Mobile, until finally settling down (so far anyway!) with an iPhone 4S.

    i’m both pleasantly surprised and shocked at how much has changed in the last 15 years (both to this site and to gadgets in general).

    so… happy birthday!

  95. Happy 15th!!!!!!!

    I have been enjoying your reviews for years. The best gadget has to be the Leatherman tools. I have 3 which are always used. One in each car and a special one for camping & fishing.

  96. I think I would have to say my first iPhone (the 3G). I had Palms and a Treo before that, but I never thought a smart phone could be so enjoyable to use until then.

  97. Mine is the iPad. I use it for “everything”, from reading the newspaper, to social-networking, to regular email, to playing games.

  98. Probably the Behringer Guitar Link Interface Review, with the Pet GPS review runner up.

    The more common items are easy to find reviews for. I find it’s the reviews of these fringe products that you wouldn’t otherwise think much about that are most useful (and key to your advertisers, the ones that probably directly lead to more sales).


  99. My iPhone, in all of it’s iterations. Hands down the one thing that I have within 5 feet of my body 24 hours a day, and the one thing I couldn’t live without.

  100. I think the original iPhone is my fav one. It was so big, and hit so hard, it’s just hard to beat.

    chrisk83 at

  101. The gadget I remember most is the maxpedition fatboy versipack, I had to have it when I read the review and I still have it to this day. It is stuffed with all of my gadgets, some that have been reviewed here and influenced what I have bought. Congrats on a successful 15 years.

  102. Without question, my favorite device is the Palm Tungsten T3 handheld. Small, light, and it synced very well to the PC. The Palm OS does things that most smartphone OS’s won’t do, to this day, including providing support to associate categories to files, tasks, appointments, and contacts. Third party developers (Pimlico Datebk!) created some great apps. And, ‘cmon, Graffiti is better than Swype, any day.

  103. The Darkfin swimming gloves were totally awesome. Didn’t get them but seeing cool stuff like that from the gadgeteer pop up in my google reader makes my day 😀

  104. Call me a sentimental fool. My favorite gadget is my old Sony Clie NX70v. For 5 yrs it was my closest digital companion (before devices such as smartphones started popping up). I always enjoyed the amazed looks on people’s faces whenever I would flip-then-twist the screen to reveal its keyboard (largely unusable keyboard too, but that wasn’t the point)

    It has long since been inactive ever since I connected it to my car’s cigarette lighter to charge and then hit the ignition. I now carry a Droid 3, but I still keep that old Clie around…displayed on my desk…collecting dust.

  105. my iphone 3gs…yup, i’m due for a new one. it’s served me well. use if for everything…music, text, email, internet, navigation, games. kids love it too, so after i’m done with it, it’ll get passed down to them. well worth the investment.

  106. Ok it has to be a pocketpc. It was the first gadget review from oh so long ago on your website. Keep up the good work!

  107. 15 years already !
    That’s how long you’ve been writing and I’ve been reading your posts. A lot has happened in your life and in mine since.
    Keep up your good work!

    On topic.
    I loved all of my gadgets, Psion 3, Palm Pilot, Sony i900, Nokia 9300, 93001, E90, my iPhone 4, my iPad3 etc.

    My current favourite is my iPad3.
    It’s my ereader, my internet-pad, my calendar, my gameconsole.
    I love it to bits!

    What will the future bring … more nice gadgets still to come, I hope so!

  108. For me it must be the iPad. I use it every day to catch up on news around the world, read books and magazines, play the odd game and keep in touch with friends and family.

    Happy 15th Birthday.

  109. My favorite gadget from the past 15 years would be my Palm Lifedrive. In its time, it offered 4gb of storage. While it had its niggles, it was a fun device to hack and use. It also helped me get my iPhone– eBay was good to me.

  110. My all-time favorite gadget is my iPod touch. Nothing I have ever owned comes even close to it. I can do just about anything with it; the versatility is what makes me love it so much. The only shortcoming is that it really exacerbates my ADD. I’ll be in the middle of doing something with it and suddenly think of something else I want to do. I jump to the new task, then think of something else and jump to that and on and on. It’s a small price to pay for a gadget that lets me do so many things.

  111. favourite gadget… hmmm… OH! not sure if this is classified as a gadget but you have made a post about it. I saw Twelve-Souths backpack over here, bought one and loved it ever since.

  112. To Julie and all the contributors congrats!

    My favorite gadget has to be my iPhone 4. I simply use it everyday to document my family, search for things I need to know about, and communicate to people in so many different ways.

    In many ways it fulfills the promise my old Handspring device had and so much more. I remember toting around Ireland/Europe with that old Handspring, and a camera, and a video camera ten years ago. Now we have that all together in a single device that I can show the video wirelessly onto our television, take unlimited pictures, and geotag them to the places so I could remember where they were taken. It’s pretty amazing how our gadgets have grown in the past 10-15 years, looking forward to the next 10-15 to see what comes next. Hope the Gadgeteer will always be there for the interesting stuff that comes out.

    Wish you the best.

  113. Has to be the Palm Pilot. Changes everything as we know it. We would not have Smart Phones, Tablets, etc. without it. Been keeping up with you for over 10 years Julie. That’s a total of at least 3,650 visits. Dave

  114. I think the best was the Palm Pilot, which I purchased “back in the day”. It was here at The Gadgeteer that I found the review, and proceeded to buy. I’ve never looked back, both in my love of gadgets, or coming to The Gadgeteer almost on a daily basis!

  115. 15 years wow I can’t believe it’s been that long, congratulations Julie.

    My favorite gadget in the last 15 years has been my Zebra Sharbo X pen. The ability to have two pen tips and a pencil with me in a “normal” sized package is beyond useful. There are more fun gadgets that I have had and currently have but this pen makes my life so much easier.

  116. My first PDA was a Handspring Visor (I think I discovered this website around the same time I bought the Visor). Once you learned Graffiti, it was easy to use. The battery lasted forever and I liked the Springboard modules you could plug in.

  117. My PalmPilot 1000 was the first device I had to have with me always.
    That 160×160 display was my first ereader.

  118. My favorite gadget has to be my by circa 2004 iPod. Still works and I carry and use it daily to take the monotony out of any day.

  119. My first color PDA, a Sony Clie’ T-655C. That went everywhere and continued to serve as my alarm clock up until recently when the battery started to go.

  120. My Favourite Gadget of the last 15 years.

    Victronox Swiss Tool. The ultimate “Multi-tool” for me. Had mine for 10 years now and and is still going strong. It’s had rough use in over 10 different countries – and never gave me any problems.

    That’s what I call a great gadget !!

  121. gotta say, the slingboxes pretty much were my favorite overall gadget. So much great combination of technology in those guys!

  122. Congratulations on 15 years.

    My favourite device in the last 15 years has got to be the PalmPilot 1000. It was my first touch screen device, my first pda, my first ereader. And syncing!! It was the first device that I took everywhere. And I loved it enough that I got the sexy Palm V and then the futuristic transforming Tungsten T.

    Looking forward to what comes next. Hopefully by the 30th anniversary celebration, we’ll finally be seeing reviews of some flying cars. 🙂

  123. Well besides my Samsung Galaxy SIII being my most favorite gadget, I would also say my Kindle Fire. I’m in love with them both – it’s hard to choice just one!

  124. Happy Birthday!!!

    My favorite has to be the Palm Pilot. There have been lots of gadgets since then, many of which could not have existed without the huge leap forward that was the Palm Pilot. That’s where it all started. You could carry all that information in your pocket. You could sync it to your computer. You could pull out that little stylus and write to add more information. It was fantastic.

  125. I love everything about the Gadgeteer, I would say my favortie gadget will be… fingers crossed my pebble watch.

  126. My favorite has been the variety of bags being showcased. I love the Tom Bihn bags and would not have know about them except for this blog.

  127. I was going to go with the Apple MessagePad 120, but I checked and it was discontinued more than 15 years ago. I’m torn then between the Palm V and the TapWave Zodiac, but I think I’ll choose the Palm V. To me, it was the best designed of the Palm Pilot line, even counting the color units.

  128. Well my first time here was looking for an Adonit Jot Pro review, later i bought that stylus and still my favorite by now.

    Keep going and congrats on 15 years!

  129. My favorite times with The Gadgeteer were back in the Palm days. I loved reading reviews of the latest (color!) handhelds and whether they passed the squeeze/squeek test.

  130. My favorite Gadget has been the iPhone Have had several generations now and it has become the goto device in my life.

  131. I always love your watch reviews, Tokyoflash have been some of my faves…. I really liked the Kisai Optical Illusion watch… I love that ya’ll keep up to date on these geeky time pieces…

  132. My favorite gadget is my iPad from which I am reading and typing right now! It’s only the first generation, but it has served me well. Looking forward to possibly the iPad mini, or whatever they cal it.

  133. Happy Birthday, Gadgeteer!
    I adored my Palm Pilot M100. It still works nicely as an alarm clock (but I don’t carry it around with me anymore).

  134. My favorite gadget is my Surefire L2 Lumamax. That thing has served me very well and helped me out in an emergency countless times. Can’t beat having a good quality flashlight on hand!

  135. My favorite gadget is still the iPad, first generation. I use it every day and have not yet felt the need to upgrade. Enjoy your site alot — keep up the good work!

  136. Although previously I might have said a digital camera, then maybe my iPod, now my favorite gadget is definitely my iPad!

  137. Favorite gadget has to be my 15″ MacBook Pro. Does everything, from work to fun, fast, stable, a pleasure to use, and slips in my backpack. If that’s not “gadget-y” enough, I’d say my iPad2, but it’s the MacBook that does it all.

  138. My Palm TX. I sure do miss it. Nothing held so much information accessible quickly and easily, and without a data plan! I’ve tried an iPod Touch, but it just doesn’t stack up to the info I carried in my pocket when I had my trusty, reliable TX. I’m amazed at how many posts above list Palm or Palm licensed products. Guess it’s not just me.

  139. My favorite gadget is the Lenser P7 I read about hear four years ago. I take it with me every day.

  140. My favorite gadget is my ipad. I do everything on it. I read books & magazines on it, I check email and all my social media, I’m addicted to a variety of games, watch TV shows and movies, among all of the other things this amazing product does. I still have the 1st generation and it always surprises me with the many things it does.
    By the way, HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY!

  141. My iPhone by 10 furlongs…nothing has come close to the convergence that has occurred with the iPhone. Stream movies/music/read books/surf the web/read email and TALK all at the same time! Unbelievable!!!

  142. My favorite gadget from the past 15 years, is my APPLE ][, it is older than 15 years but still is my favorite.

  143. I have had too many gadgets to count over the last 15 years. Many inspired by this website. As for my favorite, I have to say its a tie between my iPad and my iPhone. They have become my basic tools for so many things.

  144. My favorite gadgets have been all the PalmOS devices you had reviewed. They were simple and low cost, yet very useful. Too bad they fell behind and had to give up.

    Keep the good work – I enjoy your reviews. Thanks, JK

  145. My favorite is all of your gadgets…..So hard to choose just one, but I would have to say the MAC G4. Happy Birthday and keep up the great work!!!

  146. my favorite has to be the 160GB iPod. i bought one the first day it came out. i may leave my IDs, cash and phones at home but i will never move without my 160GB iPod. gotta have my tunes all the time!

  147. Tom Bihn Ego gear bag has always been my favorite and first on my wishlist for the past years. I think that wearing the bag will make me look cool and classy at the same time!

  148. Julie: My Favorite Gadget was a Palm III. It was the one thing that hook me to Gadgets in general. Later it was a Palm V, then a Tungsten T. I had the modem, and I used to read my email on my Palm V back in the day! I have had a lot of other gadgets since, everyone of them being my favorite one …until a new one arrives 😉

  149. Jeffrey John Imutan

    my favorite gadget is still the tv remote control. if you mean the last 15 years, there’s still no touch phones then.

  150. What a milestone, Fantastic.
    My favorite gadget was my original PalmPilot. That’s what started it all for me. There have been many others along the way, and your website has been a large part of my decision making and research about gadgets of interest. Over the years I have purchased dozens and dozens of gadgets, many of which were ideas planted in my brain from this site. You have truly been a Great contributor to the GADGET AGE we have all experienced.
    Thank you for your contribution to everyone’s Gadget education.
    Here’s to another 15 years,

  151. My favorite gadget is the Fastee TS-3 100S camera. It is the most unusual item I have seen yet. I would love to have it but can’t afford the $23,000 price tag, unless I hit the lottery.

  152. The Palm Tungsten T3, which I still use to this day, is still my my go to little black book that does what I need in short order. My iPad 2 is running a close second, and I’m sure over time it will be numero uno.

  153. One of your reviews of portable scanners I used to show a friend what my choice would be if I was buying one. Your sites searching help since review was not current so had to track it down to show him.

  154. Jaimee Grace D. Bernardo

    I love gadgets, and I think it’s hard to choose anything in the whole 15 year timeline because of the overwhelming development of technology… but I would definitely say that wrist watch is no. 1 my list of favorite gadgets. They never fade…

  155. Congratulations on a fantastic 15 years!

    The Gadgeteer has been one of my favorite gadget blogs for many many years (probably 15 actually). It all started with the PalmPilot (as my nostalgic favorite) and I have acquired many gadgets you have covered over the years. My current favorite is the multiple generations of iPhones and now New iPad because of the app ecosystem, consistent interfaces and build quality. They are essentially my daily driver gadgets.

  156. First things first ; happy birthday to everyone at Gadgeteer. The T-Mobile Sidekick was my first smartphone, I owned every model released including the limited production model Mr. Cartoon. To this day the best feature of that Sidekick was the keyboard. I now own the Samsung Epic 4G with the slide up keyboard and so far the Sidekick keyboard is the best andandandandand

  157. Redgie Louie Campanilla

    my favorite gadget would be a laptop, i used to have a vtech laptop. i always get excited whenever i see one 🙂

  158. My favorite gadget has been my Palm Treos. I’m still using a Treo 755p and will be sad the day it gives up the ghost…

  159. My favorite gadget has been my laptom because it has allowed me to be productive anywhere and it is a wonderful entertainment system is a small package.

  160. Happy 15 years Birthday. I wish you all the best. All the gadgets mentioned above are all beautiful. I love them all. Thanks for this giveaway. Kudos.

  161. My favorite was the Scosche BOOMstream. Was debating to get that or Jambox and you helped me make the correct decision. Thanks!

  162. Mark Rosengarten

    This website is the first tech website I ever visited and it’s still the first one I visit every day when checking out the latest and the greatest. Julie has turned this from an amazing and informative site into…dang! It’s still an amazing and informative site!

    My favorite gadget of all time is still the Hewlett-Packard 200LX palmtop. Years ahead of its time, no other machine made since has been able to rival it. The Psion 5MX comes danged close…but the 200LX, nearly 20 years after its release still works, can still be relevant and is still highly prized and sought after. I still have mine and use it from time to time. My second favorite gadget of all time is the original Palm Pilot. This simple device with easy user interface exploded the PDA market and would eventually lead to the proliferation of smartphones across the world.

  163. My favorite gadget would have to be my Macbook pro 13. I was a windows devotee until the ipad came out and i gladly drank the cool aid and became a apple devotee. A close second would be my Samsung Galaxy Aviator smart phone (iPhone is not available at us cellular).

  164. I found your website in 1999 when I was searching for reviews of the Palm V, which I was considering buying. Your review convinced me to spend almost $500 then on the Palm V ($700 today), which is about what I spent on a Samsung Galaxy Note earlier this year. Comparing the capabilities of the two isn’t like comparing apples and oranges, it’s like comparing gravel to the Rocky Mountains. Back in 1999 who would have thought of carrying one device that, literally, does everything.

  165. My Favorite review would have to be the Benchmade 1100 series Pen. It pushed me over the fence to actually purchasing the pen!!

    BTW, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 15 years! thats awesome!

  166. My favorite gadget is the Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 — I still use mine every day & it’s 10 years old!

  167. It’s so hard to choose. I’ve been reading the-gadgeteer since 1998 when your review helped me purchase my first Palm Pilot.

    I’d have to say that the single gadget that has impacted my life the most is the iPhone (or any smartphone). I’d be lost (literally and figuratively) without it.

  168. Samsung 7inch tablet. Portable, boots quickly, games, videos, music, GPS, browser. Keeps me entertained.

  169. Happy 15th birthday!

    My favorite gadget by far is the old PalmOne m505!!! I loved that thing… I still recharge it and turn it on once in a while!

  170. My favorite gadget of the past 15 years has been the ipod touch. It is the only gadget besides whatever cellphone I own that gets daily use.

  171. I love gadgets of all kinds, always have. I just haven’t been able to afford
    to buy any but I try to keep current just in case. Well, last year I just about emptied my bank account and upgraded my 35mm film camera for a Canon Rebel T3i, I love it! This year I got my first smart phone, a Samsung Galaxy. I think they both qualify as my favorite! Because of the navigation app I can go anywhere now and never get lost and get great shots in the process.
    That should keep me busy for awhile while I build my bank account back up.
    Happy 15th, keep up the great work!

  172. My favorite gadget over the past 15 years has to be the IPhone.

    I’ve had one since the IPhone 3G, then 4, and now 5 when it comes out in September 😉

  173. Being a guy I love gadgets of all sorts. If I have to choose one I would have to choose the iPod. SO much easier than hauling around the old Walkmans or Discmans plus the ability to customize play lists to fit what mood you may be in at the time. And for someone like me with eclectic musical tastes, that is an important factor.

  174. The best gadget has been my Zune (i know, i know). It was great because all the abuse it had taken at the gym and on the road. After 3.5 years, it broke due to the connector.

  175. My favorite gadget is the Apple iPod Touch. It kept me connected with my friends and family thru Facetime! I love that it is so compact yet so powerful. What’s more, it’s a birthday gift from my then-boyfriend, now-hubby!

  176. I have an apple mbp, an iPhone and ipod shuffle, i’ve tried PSP & gameboy plus a bunch of mobile phones but the best gadget for me was the handheld brick game.

  177. Terrence Joseph G. Dizon

    My favorite gadget is the one I used way back when I am 10 years old. It is the TiVo VDR. I can’t forget that cool gadget experience. (=

  178. my favorite gadgets would be any of the waterfield products you’ve so well reviewed over the years.

  179. My favorite gadget has to be my most recent — my Samsung Galaxy S3. I only hope the Apple legal police do not seize it from my night table in the middle of the night!

  180. My favorite gadget has to be smartphones in general. They make life so much easier and I constantly depend on mine every day. Congratulations on 15 years!

  181. I love gadgets. Even the ones I end up using not much.
    My current favorite – Kindle (Touch and Fire depending on what I am doing).

  182. Over the past 15 years my favorite gadget has hands-down and without question been my “Pismo” PowerBook… which I am still using daily!

    Congratulations Julie on having done such a GREAT job with The Gadgeteer over the past 15 years!

  183. My favorite gadget…don’t have one due to poverty… I’m lucky if I can get my hands on anything…poverty sucks man…

    Tnx from Ol Painful…

  184. My favorite gadget is my close to 2 years old Epic 4G. Great phone. Longest that I’ve kept a phone, I believe.

  185. Michael Jerome Sanchez

    My favorite gadget in the past 15 years has to be my iPhone4S. I can do some of my work there(email), play on it(games), and capture moments(camera/instagram).

  186. My favorite gadget? Paper. No charging, no water damage (well, a little), and it’s cheap. Second favorite? TV.

  187. My favorite gadget is my smartphone, now i’ve an iphone 4s and is the best. Congrats and continue so many years

  188. happy birthday! my fave gadget for the past 15 years is our tv. it’s much older than me but it still works and by connecting it to a dvd player, my son is able to watch educational dvds clearly. cross fingers 😉

  189. Happy Birthday Gadgeteer- I wrote a gadget review for you almost ten years ago. Great to see the site still going.
    My favorite gadget is my Samsung Galaxy S2.

    Thanks for the great articles.

  190. Congratulations Julie, on 15 great years! I have been an avid follower since the early days of your postings. My favorite gadget has to be my first palm pilot. You have been an invaluable resource to all of us gadget geeks and I hope you keep this up for another 15. You are the best tech reviewer on the web – thanks for all you do.

  191. It’s gotta be the sony clie PEG-T615C review waaay back in 2002. Bought it after reading that. Loved the old squeeze test comparison.

  192. I have to say that my 2 favorite gadgets of the last 15 years were my Sidekick 2 (that QWERTY keyboard was handy) and my 1st gen iPod Nano. The Nano is still going strong and gets filled with new podcasts every week.

  193. Congratulations on your 15th anniversary! My favorite gadget would be my MacBook Pro. It was a lifechanger.

  194. Congratulations on your 15th anniversary! My favorite gadget is my digital camera. I bought the first one in 2003 and became addicted to digital photography.

  195. My all time favorite gadget has to be the PlayStation portable. First with the PSP-1000, then the PSP GO, and now the PS Vita.

  196. Simple, but it makes my life so much easier as I’m always trying to use a laptop in some waiting room, airport, frontroom, without access to a desk or table or other surface is the N315 worksurface from Logitech. Now if they would just add USB powered fans!

  197. My favorite gadget has got to be my iPad. Insane versatility of various apps plus internet access. Hard to beat it.

  198. It’s very difficult to pin point a single gadget in which gadgeteer has provided a review on that I would consider my favorite. However, one of my very favorites was the tiny iZon Remote Room Monitor from Stem Innovation.

    Happy 15th BDay, wishing you many more. Thanks for the reviews!

  199. My favorite gadget of the last 15 years has to be the Palm IIIc. I used this daily for over 10 years (!!), until it died a year ago and was replaced with an iPod Touch.

  200. Hello Gadgeteer!
    My favorite gadget has to be the new iPad. I love the portability and wide range of apps. It not only keeps me occupied but also my two year old. He can sit and play while we run errands or we are stuck inside on a rainy day. It is by far te best gadget we have b

    Thanks for the opportunity.
    Love you guys.

  201. Hands down the Android OS phones in particular the Galaxy S3 because its the pinnacle of all smartphones in terms of features, speed and connectivity & much more that makes life less stressful.

  202. Favourite gadget? Palm Tungsten E. After my IIIe, that was the big e-book, music and game machine of my childhood.

  203. Congratulations! I have bought many, many gadgets on your recommendation.

    My favorite gadget is still my TiVO.

  204. Happy Birthday!

    I love watches so it has to be the latest the Devon Thread Watch. If only I had a spare $25k laying around.

  205. My favorite gadget is the gameboy pocket – elegance in simplicity, huge game library, constant classic entertainment. Can’t go wrong here! 🙂

  206. My favorite gadget has been my Kindle Fire… read books & surf the net. I have a note pad app and leave myself notes, look up recipes, and check email.
    Shuttermom77 at gmail dot com

  207. My favorite gadget of all time has been the Targus folding keyboards. The old Quad-fold models in the Palm Pilot Era, Not the new bi-fold.

    Go Julie! 15 years,

  208. Definitely the iPad 2.It has opened up a vast range of possibilities for me as an artist,no materials to lug about and I can paint and draw discreetly,so subjects are more relaxed.When shown the image is bright and impressive and has caused a great deal of interest,also commissions for drawing portraits of jazz musicians has also been a great teaching aid as I can show work stage by stage.Now all I need to find is the best stylus for artists.

  209. My fav gadget is my iPhone. Does everything but make toast.
    iPad would be a second, but not even close.
    Congrats & thanks for your great reviews.

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