Accordéon App for iPad

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accordeon app for ipadDo you have a burning desire to play “Another One Rides the Bus”, but you don’t own an accordian?  Weep no more, because you can now have an accordian in your iPad with the Accordéon app.  I don’t think it includes any lessons, but the description says the application is easy to learn to use, and the app takes full advantage of the multi-touch capabilities of the iPad.  You can get it for $2.99 now, a 25% discount.  Hurry, because the discount disappears when the next version is released.

3 thoughts on “Accordéon App for iPad”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Great line, Janet . . . . “Weird Al” has got to be my favorite “Rock Star”
    LOL But I would DEFINITELY need lessons.

  3. Janet Cloninger

    Don, I loves me some Weird Al, too. How could I not, when he wrote my theme song? (“White and Nerdy”, in case you couldn’t guess!)

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