Did you order an iPad today?

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ipadBeing the overachiever that I am, I ordered two! I opted for a 64GB WiFi model for myself and I ordered the 16GB for Janet as a thank you for the excellent job she’s been doing with news and reviews here on The Gadgeteer. I don’t know about everyone else, but I didn’t see an option to have the iPads delivered to a local Apple store. In a way, I’m actually glad – the order page says they will be delivered on 4/3, so that means I can stay home instead of driving 65 miles up to the Indy store.

At first I had almost every accessory in my cart too… but then I changed my mind and just purchased the iPads. Let’s hear from everyone else, did you order one and if so, which model did you order?

49 thoughts on “Did you order an iPad today?”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I ordered 2 Wifi only 64GB models to be picked up at the local apple store where we’ll be on vacation. NO, we can’t wait until we get home. I also ordered a 3G model. It will replace my Wifi iPad and that one will go to one of my kids (I think).

    1. I guess there really is a local store reserve feature. I just didn’t see it. Now I don’t know if I should cancel and reserve or just trust that my order will REALLY be delivered on 4/3 as Apple says it will…

  3. I didn’t. First, how the heck do you all afford so many gadgets? I make a decent living, but jeez.
    I am a little disappointed it is running the touch/iphone OS. I already have an iPhone. I was hoping it would be running some form of OSX. I have to admit it does look cool though…

  4. 16GB reserved at first for FedEx delivery because I had not received the email blast for in-store pickup. Now I have an in-store pickup reserved, so I’ll try to cancel my on-line pre-order.

    Oh, I ordered the 16GB model because if I spend TOO much, I’ll end up treating it with kid gloves and end up babying it too much.

  5. Ordered the 16GB version at 8:30 AM EST sharp. Having it delivered. The Apple store is crazy enough on weekends in general, it’ll probably be a zoo on 4/3. I’d rather have FedEx deliver it to me and save me the trip.

    @Julie While I’ve never pre-ordered anything from Apple (aside from Snow Leopard) before, I suspect that they really will be delivering them on 4/3, probably shipping just far enough in advance that they arrive on the release date — like Amazon did with the Harry Potter novels.

  6. Ordered a 64gb WiFi-only iPad for pickup. I did not want to wait the extra 30 days for the 3G version or pay the additional $$$ to own one. I am betting/hoping the Jailbraking community hacks it and enables tethering….the best of all worlds.

  7. I’ll be using my Verizon MiFi for 3G/EVDO access. My theory is I’m already PAYING for it, so why get yet another wireless subscription?

    Besides, if/when faster wireless comes out in my area (4G or LTE) I’m not stuck with “just 3G” on the iPad.

    I’m happy that in San Francisco (where I had to wake up at 5:30AM) we’ve got no less than 3 Apple stores, but only ONE has parking (Stonestown Mall). If there’s a line that Saturday, at least I know I’ve got one waiting for me.

  8. OH! I nearly missed this… YAY FOR JANET! An iPad VERY deserved. I can think of no other Gadgeteer more deserving (other than moi, but I’m so verrry biased)

  9. Julie, it’s not that you didn’t see it; the link for reserving wasn’t there at first.

    I initially pre-ordered a 16GB model because of that, however, I canceled the pre-order once I was able to reserve it. Andy Simmons’ reasons to pre-order are of course sensible, but in my case it I’d rather drive 30 min to the nearest Apple store because:

    1. I want to try it out before buying it
    2. Can’t get it shipped to work on a Sat
    3. Don’t want to hang out at home waiting for FedEx
    4. My understanding is that you can’t return stuff bought at apple.com to their retail stores (though I could be wrong)

  10. Thanks to Julie, I have a newfound Saddleback addiction. (BTW the medium Satchel fits my cardboard iPad mockup pefectly)

    Yes. I actually made an iPad mockup out of a cardboard box.

  11. @Andy A cardboard mockup is a great idea! I need to make one so I can start testing all my current bags to see if I can justify buying something new…

  12. I foolishly (?) bought the Saddleback ($!) specifically for the iPad, sight unseen!

    I’ve already got a Waterfield suede sleeve pre-ordered. Note: I spoke to Gary on the phone yesterday, who says if you want a suede iPad sleeve made in Horizontal (not Vertical) they can do it.

  13. 64 GB WiFi Version

    Order Placed at 8:29:53 with Apple 1-Click,
    and completed at 8:30:18 ( I had a Game Plan for the Order )

    Like a Kid running your fingers down the Elevator’s Buttons for every floor! I placed an Order for everything with all the options and parts for 2 of them, Including the 2 Year AppleCare at $99.00, Kinda upset its not a 3 Year AppleCare. I did pick the 2-3 Day Shipping option as for the other items marked as delivery Mid April. Now I need to get to work so not to loose my job for being late this morning.

    Good Luck everyone with your purchase.

  14. FYI:
    If any of you pre-ordered online for home delivery, and wish to cancel/modify your order, you probably won’t be able to for about 24 hours after placing it.

    I just called Apple’s order support and found out. They can’t even bring it up. (Cancelling my on-line preorder because I decided to do an in-store pick up instead.)

  15. Nothing like setiing the alarm for a preorder…I went with the 32gb wi-fi. Couldn’t justify the 3g (who am I kidding…couldn’t wait). So excited! I’m also a SBL victim Andy (messenger briefcase)…love the cardboard mockup. How long will these weeks feel!?!

    Gadgeteer newbie,


  16. Two for me too! I ordered a $499 16G wi-fi for pick-up on Apr 3rd – YEAH!!! Then, I ordered a 64G 3G for delivery – it will replace the 16G wi-fi when it arrives. I was going to try to live with 16G wi-fi only -BUT- I was at work @6AM (where I can NOT use wi-fi) -and- ordering the iPads (on my iPhone using 3G) -and- I just decided that I HAD to have 3G on the iPad as well! Looks like BIG FUN!

  17. I just ordered a 32 G WiFi and 3G model with the case. I figured that if I wait on the keyboard dock, the price might come down. The touchscreen with the success of the iPhone, I think will be adequate for moderate data input.

  18. The Apple case actually looks pretty cool, and I love the way the device sets up in its various positions…but for some reason I decided to wait and see what others come up with. Maybe I can review a case, Julie?? 😉

  19. @Julie I’m sure you’re right… I’ve already got three or four iPad cases on my shortlist of candidates. 🙂

  20. I jumped online at 5:30 AM PST sharp and ordered one… the 64GB 3G model. At that time, the Apple website was clearly being hit hard as response was pretty sluggish. Never did see an option for in-store pick-up, but figured that since I ordered the 3G, maybe in store pick-up wasn’t an option.

  21. Logic argument.
    7% of Americans believe Elivis Presley is alive.
    7% of Americans will buy an iPad.
    You decide…

  22. Ordered a 32GB 3G for my wife. She decided to go with the 3G for those times we are in the car and she is bored of navigating. 🙂

  23. I am getting:
    As per Apple DELIVERS April/03
    Ships: DELIVERS ON 4/3
    Part Number: MB292LL/A

    Ships: BY APRIL 3RD
    Part Number: MC361ZM/A

  24. My wife and I both ordered 32G/WI-FI models with the case and Apple Care. I also ordered one of the external power adapters, figure we both can share it.

  25. unfortunately, us Canadians do not get the privilege of pre-ordering… however, i will wait and see how the rumored microsoft “courier” pans out, since that has more of a cool gadget-factor 🙂
    Here’s hoping iphone os4.0 brings us multi-tasking!!!

  26. I ordered an Otamatone and a Bliptronic 5000 from Thinkgeek today…but until I can see an iPad in action, read reviews, see some serious music creation apps evolve for it and a second generation come out that kills the bugs in the first generation, I’m not going to bite.

  27. We are holding out for the new iPhones first to replace my wife and my 1st gens. I think we will probably get one around Christmas or my birthday in October time frame to add an iPad to the home. Enjoy.

  28. I pre-ordered a 64GB WiFi and 64GB 3G along with one each of the accessories (except the keyboard dock – went with the Bluetooth keyboard instead) in the early afternoon. Can’t wait until the 3rd to get my iPad. I’m really looking forward to using it to web browse, view movies/tv shows and listen to music. My eyes are too old now to comfortably use the Safari on the iPhone for extended periods of time. 🙂 For my lifestyle, I hope to find using the iPad more convenient than using my MacBook Air or iMac for the above tasks.

  29. I’m going to sit on the sidelines at first – I just can’t see spending the money when I have an iPhone 3GS and a MacBook already. Of course, once I actually use one that might change mighty fast…

  30. I ordered the 16GB WiFi…the second the pre-order button appeared.

    I feel a little silly paying $12 for the express shipping, because it seems unlikely that I will receive it before Saturday 4/3…right?

  31. Reserved 32gb WiFi only.. That combined with my jailbroken Iphone and MyWi should give me all the connection I need.

  32. I ordered 2 iPads (I’m giving one away on one of my sites and I’ve started an iPad only blog) and I got the 32gb wi-fi version for myself.

    I will use my iPhone for connectivity where I can’t get wi-fi, no need to pay for it twice.

    Hope we don’t get bitten by early adopter issues 🙂

  33. I ordered on-line as I couldn’t find the in-store way to do it (which is what I wanted). After I had completed the web order, I did finally find the in-store option.

    So I selected the in-store option, and was unable to cancel my web one (probably due to the demand for orders being placed).

    When I got home (working graveyard shift) and explained the fact that I now had one mail order and one in store pickup. She said wait 24 hours. If I decide I really want one, you won’t have to cancel either. Come to pass, didn’t cancel either.

    Trying to decide if I will buy a 3G one and regift the WiFi one when the time comes.

  34. Ordered 64GB 3G today Monday. May not use the 3G but don’t want to be sorry later if some great new apps appear. Also, I don’t really use the phone much on my iPhone – so when the contract expires, I may go to a prepaid phone and use the 3G iPad and save money.

  35. i purchased the 64GB wi-fi 3G model. i don’t foresee needing 3G but i got that feature anyways, you never know, it might come in handy.

    apple sent the various parts individually so i have had three deliveries to date. i am tracking the final delivery for the case. it would have been better to receive everything at once. less waiting for me.

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