Fill out our survey for a chance to win a mystery bag of gadgets!

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If you would like The Gadgeteer to continue to bring you fun and informative gadget reviews, then I would like to ask a favor of you. Please fill out our advertiser survey. It will only take you a couple of minutes (5 at the max) and the demographic information it collects will help bring relevant advertisers to the site. Running a large site such as The Gadgeteer requires a lot of expense and ads are what keeps the goodies flowing, so please click that link!

For those of you that do fill out the survey, you’ll be entered into a random drawing to win a mystery bag of gadgets. What’s in the mystery bag? If I told you, it wouldn’t be a mystery, would it? 😉 I will tell you that the bag contains items that I’ve reviewed or talked about here on The Gadgeteer. So it won’t include be a roll of Charmen toilet paper or a pack of chewing gum. There will be at least 5 items in the bag and the overall value will be at least $50.

This contest is open to anyone, living anywhere.

Contest Details:

1. Fill out the advertiser survey before Midnight EST 3/31/09. Be sure to enter your email address in the appropriate field in the survey. Don’t worry, I solemnly swear that the address will only be used to contact you if you win the mystery bag of gadgets.

2. After you fill out the survey, come back here and leave a comment to this post.

3. I’ll choose a winner at random some point on Wednesday 4/01/09 (no, this isn’t an April Fools Day joke).

Update 4/1/09:

The winner is Dustin (post #126). If Dustin doesn’t respond to my email within 48hrs, I’ll choose another winner.

Here’s a picture of the mystery bag items:


142 thoughts on “Fill out our survey for a chance to win a mystery bag of gadgets!”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Filled out the survey and left comments! Of the many geek/gadget RSS feeds I follow this is the only one I read EVERY time.


  3. That was an easy survey. I hate those surveys that are 5-10 pages long of nothing but 30 radio button questions. MORE GADGETS!!!

  4. Easy as pie… Although I don’t have one and am hungry… Ah well…

    Love the web site! Keep up the good work! Wish I could be part of it. Glad to help with the survey.

  5. “Success without honor is an unseasoned dish; it will satisfy your hunger, but it won’t taste good.”
    Joe Paterno

  6. I love mysteries, I love gadgets… what a perfect pairing! Thanks for a wonderful site and a chance to win something as a bonus.

  7. Glad to help. Hope I win (is it rude to say that? come on, we all know we’re thinking it!) =)

    Thanks for a great site, Julie!

  8. As I wrote on the survey, thanks for producing a site that’s fun to visit. Your site gives me a chance to enjoy gadgets vicariously through your reviews!

  9. Go Julie Go.
    Hope there’s a Palm Pre in that bag. And that I win. 🙂

    if not, I love The Gadgeteer anyways.

  10. Great site, continue the good job – easy quick survey shows your interest to continue improving gadgeteer site. Thanx

  11. All done in the time it takes to wait for my toaster to pop up!

    There’s not a digital toaster in the bag by any chance? 🙂 It’s okay if there isn’t…..

  12. Cranky Media Guy

    I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win. Saying it over and over WILL make it happen, right? OK, good.

  13. I’ve done the survey, it was easy, now can’t wait for my bag of goodies.. 🙂 I am going to get them aren’t I ? you wouldn’t tease a fellow would you ?? PLEASE………..

  14. I filled out the survey; hope I win. I love your reviews, Julie. I only wish you could do more of them — I am very greedy and enjoy reading all of your reviews. Thanks for your knowledge.

  15. Chris Coonce-Ewing

    That was a very quick and painless survey to take. Thanks again for all that you do and provide to us.

  16. That was very easy! Thanks for all the reviews you do on this site. You seem to cover all the cool gadgets and gear that I’m interested in.

  17. I filled out the survey. Keep up the great work. I love coming to this site to see all of the great reviews that you do!

  18. Julie, you temptress!
    Yeah, fill me with all kinds of wild imaginings of the treasure of gadgets in your mystery bag… then disallow me from entering the contest and it’s only March 39th. “This survey is currently closed. Please contact the author of this survey for further assistance.” You don’t like me, I know it, nobody likes me! My psychiatrist I have a persecution complex, but he’s just saying that because HE doesn’t like me. I would have so liked to enter the contents.
    Please keep reviewing the gadgets. I really like your reviews… esp. Kindle 2 and the Blackberry Storm.
    Keep up the good work,

  19. Sorry about the scads of misspellings and poor grammar. I was so overwrought with emotion from not being able to submit an entry that I really botched the entry…. and I would have given you such glowing reviews on the survey.

  20. I hope you will get a great amount of feedback ! And yes it just took a few minutes, but I think for developing the new version of the gadgeteer this is a cool idea- and feedback generating article !!

    @Julie: I like the reviews of the Waterfield products ! ;o)

  21. I’m always in for international shipping of mystery bags.

    Please make this kind of games more often.


  22. Hee Hee i think scrolling to the bottom of this page to comment might take longer than the survey. Oooo i hope i win!

  23. Done! And I hope you will publish the contents of the mystery bag the winner (pick me pick me!) will receive.

  24. Oops – I filled the survey, but had forgotten to leave a comment here. Here’s hoping it’s not too late – after all it’s still ~8:30AM in Indiana 🙂

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