Ti.ttle X IoT is a golf simulator with an unfortunate name

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For those of us who live in northern climates, typically our golf games are in hibernation during the winter months.  Indoor golf simulators are a potential solution to keeping our games sharp, but the cost and space requirements are significant barriers to home simulator ownership.

The Ti.ttle X IoT Golf Simulator attempts to break these barriers utilizing an “Internet of Things” MEMS device.  The compact sensor consisting of accelerometers and gyroscopes attaches to your club to track position, speed, path, and face angle.  Using those metrics, golf ball flight can be simulated and also integrated with TruGolf’s E6 3D Golf Simulator to play a virtual round without having to hit an actual ball.  The sensor can also be attached to a specially designed Swing Stick that is two feet long to allow full swings in 8-foot ceilings.   The stick is weighted properly to approximate the heft of a real club, and a spring loaded mechanism replicates the feel of a golf ball strike at impact.

The Ti.ttle X IoT Golf Simulator is currently available for pre-order after their successful Kickstarter campaign. You can order one for $139 until February 28.  Shipping begins in mid-March.  Further info can be found at Ti.ttle.

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