This gadget may save your life

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 40 million American adults currently smoke, and smoking is the leading cause of preventable disease and death across the nation. A new smart trans-dermal patch could provide advantages over existing smoking cessation tools such as current nicotine patches, e-cigarettes and nicotine gum. Prospectively, the device will deliver high doses of nicotine before the user wakes, and before lunch and dinner mealtimes. A smartphone app is used to program the device dosing times and also provides motivational and behavioral support. Varying the amount of nicotine administered throughout the day may reduce cravings and could improve cigarette withdrawal and cessation outcome. Additional clinical trials are required to determine the effectiveness of this treatment.

The device is still not approved by the FDA. Once approved, Chrono expects  the cost to the consumer will be between $400 and $500 for a 10-week course of therapy. you can learn more about this device from Chrono Therapeutics.

3 thoughts on “This gadget may save your life”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I wrote about this because it’s a drug delivery gadget and, this being a site all about gadgets, thought that it should have mention here. If the FDA determines that use of this gadget is safe and effective, and if the benefit of this type of therapy outweighs the cost above and beyond current transdermal delivery systems, I think it could really help people too!

  3. Hello,

    As a representative for Chrono Therapeutics, thank you for the article and attention to the important matter of smoking cessation. There is one slight correction to note: all programming of the dosing happens within the device itself. Data is sent from the device to the smartphone, allowing the smartphone app to show messages and reminders pertaining to drug delivery and behavioral changes needed to quit smoking.

    Jenny Hapgood
    VP Marketing
    Chrono Therapeutics

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