SuperTooth and FAVI Bluetooth gear giveaway!

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It’s time for another giveaway! This time I have 2 Bluetooth goodies that anyone would love to have. One is the SuperTooth DISC TWIN Bluetooth speakers and the other is the FAVI Bluetooth PC / Tablet Keyboard and Presenter with Laser Pointer. How do you win? You just have to fill in the blanks to two questions that will help me steer our reviews in the right direction. Full contest details after the break.


1 person will win one SuperTooth DISCO TWIN Bluetooth speaker and one FAVI Bluetooth Keyboard with laser pointer. Total price value $279.99.

How to enter (please read carefully – any missed steps and your entry will be disqualified):

1. Between now and 09/11/2013 11:59PM EST leave a comment filling in the blanks to the following 2 statements:

I want to see more ____ reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

I want to see less ____ reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

Please be specific. 🙂

2. At some point on 09/12/2013, I’ll pick 1 random winners using The winners will be contacted by email and will have 48 hrs to choose their prize(s). If I do not receive an answer to my emails in that time period, I’ll do other drawings till the prizes are gone.


1. Only one entry per person (warning: I check IP addresses).

2. Anyone associated with The Gadgeteer may not enter this contest.

3. is not responsible for any lost packages or incorrect shipping addresses.

4. Winner must have a US shipping address.


The Winner is #45 Travis Faulkner.

Thanks to SuperTooth and FAVI for sponsoring the contest and thanks to everyone who entered!

76 thoughts on “SuperTooth and FAVI Bluetooth gear giveaway!”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. I want to see more “small electronics such as these bluetooth speakers” reviewed on The Gadgeteer.
    I want to see less “bags and luggage and cloth covers” reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  3. I want to see more pocket tools reviewed on The Gadgeteer.
    I want to see less phones reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  4. I want to see more _Bluetooth speakers___ reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less _laptops___ reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  5. I want to see more analysis type reviews on the gadgeteer, and more cutting edge stuff. I want to see less of the “here’s what’s in my bag” type reviews.

  6. I want to see more bluetooth headsets reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less flashlights reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  7. I want to see more EDC gear/reviews and “what’s in your bag” type of eye-candy/wish-list.
    I want to see less…. – I actually like the current variety and balance of content… so no complaints.

  8. I want to see more small speakers (wireless or bookshelf variety) reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less laptop computer reviews on The Gadgeteer.

  9. I want to see more cell phones reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less laptops reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  10. I want to see more of the same content you have reviewed in the Gadgeteer

    I want to see less of -no changes, I like your site as it is- you have reviewed in the gadgeteer.

  11. I want to see more daily use gadgets like the keyslide reviewed on the Gadgeteer. I want to see less carry bags reviewed on the Gadgeteer.

  12. I want to see more small gadgets reviewed on The Gadgeteer.
    I want to see less expensive carry bags reviewed on The Gadgeteer.


  13. I want to see more bluetooth, wifi, and other wireless controller type device’s reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less hand/carry bags reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  14. I want to see more android-related content on the Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less gaming peripherals on the Gadgeteer.

  15. I want to see more edc tools/electronics reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see slightly less cell phone stuff reviewed on The Gadgeteer.. but I like the current mix well enough.

  16. I want to see more Windows Phones & Accessories reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less cases & covers reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  17. I want to see more electronics and computer stuff reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less non-gadgets (shoes, pillows, etc) reviewed on The Gadgeteer.




  19. I want to see more things EDC related reviewed on Gadgeteer. Maybe some apps – something to show your daily software workflow.

    I want to see less bags reviewed on Gadgeteer.

  20. I would love seeing more small portable audio equipment reviewed,
    and less gear bags reviewed.

  21. I want to see more camping gadgets (such as solar chargers, propane coffee makers, etc) reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less bags, purses, backpacks reviewed on The Gadgeteer. Those are fine — and maybe instead of so many one-offs, do one BIG review of 7 or 8 a month.

  22. I want to see more Android friendly stuff reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less iPhone only things reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  23. I want to see more bluetooth gadgets reviewed on The Gadgeteer.
    I want to see less handbags reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    Thank you for all your hard work! It’s all great content!

  24. I want to see more “app” reviews for both Android and Apple.

    I want to see less of nothing really on The Gadgeteer (I like that you guys cover just about everything and anything related to gadgets).

    Keep it up!

  25. I want to see more “sea change items” reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less “Deal of the Day” reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    It would also be nice to have readership rating system.

  26. I want to see more Bluetooth accessories reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less EDC type posts on The Gadgeteer.

  27. I want to see more small, cheaper gadgets (i.e. some of Edmund Scientific’s cheaper fare) reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less equipment bags reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  28. I want to see more musical instrument software and accessories reviewed on the Gadgeteer

    I want to see less laptops reviewed….

  29. I want to see more gadgets that are just coming out or relatively new to buyers.

    I want to see less bags, cases, or totes.

  30. I want to see more _Bluetooth speakers___ reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less gaming peripherals on the Gadgeteer.

  31. I want to see more cell accessories like even antenna extensions reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less bags and style stuff reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  32. I want to see more cool, unique, and innovative gadgets reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less iPhone accessories, and EDC reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  33. I want to see more EDC gear and gadgets reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less Apple-centric stuff reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  34. I want to see more __Android Products__ reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less __Apple Only Products__ reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  35. I want to see more watches (smart or otherwise) reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less Apple-anything stuff reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    (BTW No matter what others say, reviewing bags is great, but then I’m a bag freak as well)

  36. I want to see more pocket gadgets (EDC) reviewed on The Gadgeteer.
    I want to see less laptop computers reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  37. Love to see more edc tools/gadgets. Would be great to see less bags…unless they have some totally awesome feature. And maybe less apps. I love me some things I can touch in the physical world not the digital one.

  38. I want to see more _why I use/carry this gadget/app everyday|sports or camping gear|kitchen gadgets_ reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less _automobiles_ reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    (but I do like your new car)

  39. I want to see more_ gadgets and/or accessories_reviewed on the gadgeteer.
    I want to see less_iphone items/apps_reviewed on the gadgeteer.

  40. I want to see more camp gear reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less laptops reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  41. I want to see more Android/Windows Phone Apps & small electronic gadgets (ie. Bluetooth speakers) reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less iOS-Specific Apps, small tools, cases/apparels reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  42. I want to see more tools, gadgets, and carriers which are not backpacks or bags reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less bluetooth headsets reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  43. I want to see more ways to use the cloud services out there reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less clothing and garments reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  44. I want to see more home equipment (DVD, Blu-Ray, TV’s) reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less cell phones and apps reviewed on The Gadgeteer

  45. I want to see more headphones reviewed on The Gadgeteer.
    I want to see less gaming peripherals reviewed on The Gadgeteer.
    I also wanna win!!! 😉 lol

  46. I want to see more “fun tech” reviewed on The Gadgeteer. Such as the precision gyroscope and other items that have no purpose other than being fun.
    I want to see less phones reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  47. I want to see more variety – I like all the basic and in-depth reviews of electronic gadgets, even phones, but I also like it when reviews branch out occasionally into oddball directions like houseplant-minders – reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see fewer crowd-sourcing projects – unless they are clearly marked as such in the title, which started to happen but not so much lately – reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  48. I want to see more small tools/gadgets.

    I want to see less Apple products such as iPhone, cases and iPad things.

  49. I want to see more affordable items reviewed on The Gadgeteer. Say items that are under $100.

    I want to see less high end-expensive items reviewed on The Gadgeteer. They are just too pie in the sky for my limited budget.

    Thanks for the great daily emails!

  50. I want to see more gadget accesssories (i.e. cases, cables…etc) on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see less bags on The Gadgeteer.

  51. I want to see more Android related apps/gadgets reviewed on The Gadgeteer.
    I want to see less iOS related apps/gadgets reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  52. I want to see more every day gadgets reviewed on The Gadgeteer.
    I want to see less bags and Bluetooth speakers reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  53. I want to see more travel tools (bags, power options, personal security) reviewed on The Gadgeteer.
    I want to see less “single mobile OS support” products reviewed on The Gadgeteer.

  54. I want to see more tech gadgets used in everyday living, like refrigerators with wifi, umbrellas with LED lights, etc.

    I want to see less stylus reviews unless truly innovative or different.

  55. I want to see more Android accessories on The Gadgeteer.

    I want to see fewer iPhone cases and expensive bags (ANY Waterfield, Tom Biehn) on The Gadgeteer.

Comments are closed.

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