Keep your phone dry with the Amphibian waterproof case for the iPhone 5

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Like to go to the beach but hate worrying about your phone getting wet? InnoPocket now has the Amphibian waterproof case available for the iPhone 5. The case has a 2-in-1 design that allows it to be used as an everyday shell case, and when going to the beach, you can add the waterproof casing. Not only does it protect your phone from water damage, but the touch screen and camera are able to be used underwater up to 33 feet. A lanyard can also be attached to keep the phone close to you.

The Amphibian waterproof case retails for $29.99, which can be a cheap way to keep your phone from getting wet. Would you trust this or any waterproof case enough to take it out in the water?

7 thoughts on “Keep your phone dry with the Amphibian waterproof case for the iPhone 5”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. RainyDayInterns

    The injection-mold/gasket seal type of cases have been used to keep cameras dry underwater for decades.

    The only trick is to make sure the seal is absolutely clean before closing up the case. Speck of dirt on the gasket will compromise the integrity of the seal…not a huge problem if dropped into water and quickly retrieved, but can be an issue if left underwater for some time.

    Inexpensive insurance if taking the iPhone out camping/canoeing and on other similar activities.

  3. I can go the time it takes for a swim, without my phone. Good protection in case of accident or particulate contaminants though.

  4. Agree with that Lex. I’m the most worried after a swim.. like what if I put my hand in my bag and water streams in from my hair, or my husband puts a wet object in the same bag as the phone. I would rather take a 200 dollar waterproof camera (or get a similar priced waterproof casing for a point and shoot) in the water myself if I needed pictures.

  5. I’m a doula attending births and a good basic waterproof would be fabulous for when I’m swimming and put the phone at the side of the pool (not in with me), and when I’m attending a water labour or even a mother laboring in the shower. My phone is with me 24/7 when I’m on call for births and I think I’ll go buy this case for my next set of clients!

  6. I have just recently switched to a Incipio Atlas case that I will be doing a review on, it is water and shock proof. I cannot see any circumstances where I would need to take my phone in any deep water. It does seem like a decent product but the size is a turn off for me.

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