FloJack brings NFC to iPhone and iPad

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You’ve probably seen the Samsung Galaxy S3 commercial making fun of people standing in line for the iPhone 5. The commercial shows SGS3 owners touching phones to transfer pics and videos. Florida based company Flomio does not want iPhone and iPad owners to feel left out of the NFC party, so they have created the FloJack. It’s an NFC Reader/Writer for iPhone, iPad and Android currently seeking $80,000 of funding through Kickstarter. It’s a quarter sized adapter that fits in the earphone jack of the device and provides NFC reading and tag writing capability. I think it’s great that they want to bring this feature to iOS devices, but I wouldn’t want to carry my phone around with a disc shaped thingy attached to it all the time. If that doesn’t bother you, you can pledge $49 to get one of their first adapters. With only a little over 2 weeks left in their project, they’ve only raised about $18,000. Makes me think iOS owners aren’t jealous after all.

2 thoughts on “FloJack brings NFC to iPhone and iPad”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. This looks like a big time kludge to me. No wallet app and it seems to work you have to find someone else with the same thing and running the same apps.

    iOS owners will discover NFC when Apple allows it.

  3. Ken, you’re right.

    This is one of the reasons why, along with vast numbers of other geeks, I opted for a Nexus 7 over an iPad mini; I got tired of Apple deciding when I would be ready to try something new.

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