Technocel Battery Boost Portable Battery Pack with MicroSD Card Reader Review

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IMG 2990 adjusted use 1Know someone with a cell phone??  You do??  So do I! (I wonder if its the same person…;)

Here is a great little trinket for them; the Technocel Battery Boost! This cool little device would be welcomed for any of your phone toting friends that have a phone with the very common Micro-USB connection for charging.  Bonus if they have a phone that stored photos etc., on an easily accessible Micro SD card.  The unit also functions as an easy to use Micro SD card reader.  The Micro SD card is plugged right into the Battery Boost, eliminating the need to use the Micro SD to SD card adapter. That is cool!

IMG 2994adj use2 The unit is small, measuring only 77 x 30 x 20 mm.  It comes with an easy attachment at the top to clip it on to your keychain.

It doesn’t work miracles, but as the company states, it can give you about an hour of extra power for your pooped out phone, and if you are traveling and run out of juice, that could be a life-saver!

IMG 2999use 3 This photo shows the unit opened.  To use the Battery Boost you simply plug the unit into any USB connector on your computer.  A light goes on indicating charging.  The company indicates a 1.5-2 hour charging time, which I found consistent.  Pressing the round button on the top of the unit will give an indication of charging capacity; 1-3 blinks for low to high capacity.  To charge your phone you simply plug in the micro plug into your phone and press the round button again for 2 seconds to start charging.  The company gives no indication of how long the charging should take; perhaps it varies by phone.  It seemed to take my phone (a Droid) about 20 minutes, but there is no indication when charging is done.  The Battery Boost charge took my android battery level from 0% charged to 20% charged.


Product Information

  • Small size; easy to use; will fit many devices; includes card reader
  • Doesn't provide a lot of power

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