Twitter Releases Android Application

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TwitterTwitter just released their own client for Android. This joins quite a few applications on the platform including Twidroid, TweetCaster and HTC’s own Peep. According to the blog post it was developed with the Android team. It looks like a nice implementation, but does not support multiple accounts and requires Android 2.1. Also, since it is a Twitter implementation, there is no easy work-around to use the old-style retweets. If you don’t know what that means, you have a more balanced life than me.

2 thoughts on “Twitter Releases Android Application”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. Currently using Twidroid and Hootsuite. Can’t see the need for another Twitter app on Android, unless it’s aimed at people who are unable to do a little research into what’s available in the Market.

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