If, in your locale, Old Man Winter overstays his welcome by a few months and Jack Frost kidney punches you when you leave the house every morning, you know well the joys and difficulties of a Hoth-like climate. For those of us blessed with such conditions, occasionally those difficulties creep into our gadgeting as well. Who among us with a hasn’t tried to answer his or her iPhone with their nose rather than de-gloving? Enter the Tec Touch Gloves from 180s, makers of the popular low-profile ear warmers. These gloves feature gel pads strategically placed in “digital zones” (read: thumb and forefinger) to facilitate the transmission of electrons from your skin to the touchscreen of your iPhone, Palm Pre or other capacitive touchscreen device. Currently available in 17 styles, with prices ranging from $18-$75.
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I guess you could lick your iPhone to answer it, but that might get you arrested, plus you get to experience the joys of having your tongue stuck to the screen 🙂
True. Creepy, but true! LOL