Wear your iPhone and your wallet on your waist – eHolster e-Vibe

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The eHolster e-Vibe is a combination iPhone (or pretty much any other similarly sized device) case and wallet, that can be worn on your belt.  It has a neoprene pocket on the front for your device and a large zippered section for your credit cards, cash etc. There are also zippered pockets for change and other items like earbuds. It’s made of ballistic nylon and is available now for $24.95.

13 thoughts on “Wear your iPhone and your wallet on your waist – eHolster e-Vibe”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. If I were a thief I would say this is the best invention ever. One stop shopping for iPhone, cash and credit cards! 🙂

    Plus…seriously…aren’t belt-holster like so 2008? 🙂

    1. @Fred Having a cell phone or iPhone or such device will NOT demagnetize credit cards. That case doesn’t use a magnetic closure snap either. It uses a velcro closure and nothing magnetic.

  3. Never wear this in Europe. The pickpockets are really skillful and will make short work of stealing everything in your waist-wallet before you can say “3GS”, even if you have the wallet facing the front. I know, coz I was a victim myself in Rome. Dang pickpockets.

  4. What we need are mock waistpacks with face recognition technology that shoots acid into the eyes of thieves.

    I routinely wear my phone, iPod Touch and earbuds in a Tamrac camera case that rides on my belt…been wearing it for years now, since my first PalmPilot.

  5. No, just disgusted at “people” who think that other people’s stuff is their for the taking. Our area has seen a rash of breakins over the last few years, everyone has an alarm now. Even cars are broken into. I think of what I would want to do to someone who breaks into my home, my sanctuary, and I come back to running them through with the sword that is hanging on the living room wall. Especially if any harm comes to my cats.

  6. i really like this e-vibe case but can somebody made this without the clip? or are the clips removable? because i just want it to be in my bag..but really i love it so much..

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