There’s a fun new gadget show on TV – Pitchmen

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There’s been a real drought of gadget and new product related shows on TV for awhile now. I really miss HGTV’s I Want That and I Want That Tech Toys with Peter Rojas of Engadget stardom. We haven’t had a new season of ABC’s American Inventor either. While I’ve been mourning the lack of shows, one has sneaked in unnoticed until now. Actually, I didn’t find this show all by myself. My friend Brian LaVelle told me about it at work the other day. It’s a 1hr show on the Discovery Channel and is called Pitchmen. Billy Mayes (that guy with the super annoying voice that does those OxiClean commercials) and Anthony Sullivan help people bring new products to market. It’s interesting to see how new products are pitched and commercials are made. Fun stuff! Do you know of other gadget / new product shows on TV right now? If so, let us know about them.

5 thoughts on “There’s a fun new gadget show on TV – Pitchmen”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. My 10 year old son got me watching this, it’s actually pretty funny and interesting, both the inventions people try to pitch as well as the slightly sleazy behind the scenes look at mass marketing….

  3. Entertaining and fun to watch. Like Andy said, they are competitive yet friends without killing each other. It goes into the innards of getting a idea/concept marketable and what it takes to “pitch it”. Check it out, intelligent TV watch!

    @macgeek61 – Twitter

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