Loopy Laboratory – iPhone Game Review

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My favorite type of games to play are puzzle games. I’ve been a fan of Sokoban style games for years and have installed them on every PDA or smartphone that I’ve carried. When software developer Bas Tossings emailed to ask if I would like to take a look his iPhone / iPod Touch puzzle game called Loopy Laboratory, I said sure!

Loopy Laboratory iPhone game

Compatible: Apple iPhone and iPod Touch
Requires 8.2mb space
Rated 9+ for the following: Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence

The premise behind the game is that a girl named Lara is being held captive in the evil scientist Dr. Heissenbad’s laboratory which is filled with all sorts of evil inventions and unethical experiments. It’s your job to help her escape.

Loopy Laboratory iPhone game

The interface to this game is simple. You don’t have to worry about a lot of buttons, actions or gestures in order to play. All you have to do is collect all the batteries in the room and then walk through the portal to the next room. Sounds easy right?

Loopy Laboratory iPhone game

There are 50 different rooms (levels) to the game. Using your finger, you swipe in the direction that you want Lara to walk. If you keep your finger on the screen after you swipe, she’ll keep walking in that direction. If you lift your finger off the screen with each swipe, she’ll just take one step in the desired direction. The minute I saw the game, it reminded me of an old favorite on my Atari Lynx called Chip’s Challenge.

As I mentioned above, the object of the game is to collect all the batteries in a room and then proceed to the next room. Of course, there are obstacles to make this difficult. One such obstacle might be a locked door, which requires a key…

Loopy Laboratory iPhone game

In the room above, the path to the portal is blocked by a box. The only way to get rid of the box is to blast it by moving the prisms to locations that will allow the laser beam in the corner of the room to hit it.

Loopy Laboratory iPhone game

In level 7, you’ll will notice that there is an icy path. To walk on it, you have to retrieve the spiked boot. Fun stuff.

Controlling Lara with your finger isn’t difficult, but it can take a little practice so that you don’t keep her walking in a direction that you don’t want her to walk. In addition to the swipe movement gesture, you can also tap the display with two fingers to allow you scroll around the display to see the whole room.

The graphics are just right. They are simple but fun and don’t get in the way of the game. I like the fact that you have unlimited lives to complete each room. I also like the background music for this game. It is enjoyable and didn’t get on my nerves at all. One thing this game could use is a level selector. You can cheat and skip a level, but you can pick a specific level to play.

I’ve only been playing Loop Laboratory for a few minutes here and there for the past couple of days. I’ve completed the first 7 rooms, which were simple. The 8th room is a bit more difficult and I’m sure it just gets harder with each new level. That’s the fun part though right? :o) This is a fun little game that you can pick up and put down without hindering the game. It should keep you entertained and puzzled for awhile as you figure out all 50 levels. Here’s hoping that Bas adds even more levels soon!

Can be purchased through iTunes.


Product Information

Manufacturer:Bas Tossings
  • Apple iPhone or iPod touch
  • Fun
  • Brain twister
  • Addictive for puzzle fans
  • No level selector

1 thought on “Loopy Laboratory – iPhone Game Review”

  1. Gadgeteer Comment Policy - Please read before commenting
  2. The moment I saw the game I thought of Chip’s Challenge! I never played the game on the Lynx, though, and instead was thinking of the version from the Microsoft Entertainment Pack for Windows 3.1.


    Looks like fun! I’ll probably pick up a copy.

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