I recently reviewed the Wrapsol Ultra Screen Protector on my new iPad. Wrapsol also sent along their Non-Slip Grip Pad for Large Tablets for our review. It is “engineered to optimize usability and to help prevent slip-and-fall damage to your tablet.” Those slippery, expensive tablets we all love could certainly benefit from being less slippery, right? Let’s give the Non-Slip Grip Pad a closer look.
There is nothing about the Grip Pad that limits it to use with the iPad. It’s a rounded rectangle that will work with larger tablets. There’s also another size designed to work with smaller tablets. The Wrapsol ordering process ensures you’ll get the right size for your tablet.

Wrapsol says the Non-Slip Grip Pad is made with “tactilla™-a proprietary new age gripping technology-from advanced high durability polyurethane.” The Grip Pad, “helps securely position your tablet along virtually any slanted surface, so you can type emails with two hands and watch movies hands-free, too.” You can see a tablet hanging onto someone’s leg in the above photo from Wrapsol’s website. A silver/gray is the only color option.
The Grip Pad came with a small microfiber cleaning cloth and directions for installing the pad. I cleaned the back of my iPad before installing. You can see a strong line across the short edge of the Grip Pad that’s closest to the bottom of the picture. This is caused by a “break” in the backing papers. I removed the smaller side of the backing paper and attached that end to my iPad. I removed the rest of the backing and used my hand as a squeegee to smooth the Pad to the back of my iPad.
You can see I had a few air bubbles, but they don’t worry me because I don’t have to try to see a screen through them. I was able to lift up the Pad and squeeze some of them out.
You can see here that the Grip Pad was able to hold my iPad against my hand, held at about a 45-degree angle.
I don’t use my iPad with a naked back, so I decided I’d try remove the Grip Pad from my iPad and see how it worked on the polycarbonate back cover I’m using. It removed cleanly, until I got to the area that had shown that deep line where the backing papers split. I wonder if the cutter that split the backing went a little deep and cut the adhesive film, too? Anyway, I just started pulling from a different angle, and the adhesive film came up cleanly and left no sticky residue behind.
The Grip Pad attached securely to the back cover. I used it for several days this way. The Grip Pad does prevent the iPad from slipping around. You can imagine that a shiny, hard plastic case is at least as slippery as the aluminum back of the iPad, and the Grip Pad was able to prevent my iPad from sliding around. It held it against the pillows I’d prop it on as I read. It even gave me a little better grip as I carried the iPad.
In the interest of doing a complete review, I decided I’d remove the Grip Pad from the plastic back cover after several days to see if it removed cleanly from that material, too. You can see there was a lot of sticky gunk left on the plastic back cover, and it took me a few days to get it all off – but it did eventually all come off. The Grip Pad was designed for the iPad’s aluminum back, not the plastic, though. An incompatibility with the particular plastic may be the cause of the residue.
The Wrapsol Non-Slip Grip Pad does make the back of your iPad less slippery. You’ll be able to all but suspend it from your bent leg as you lounge on the sofa and watch movies, read, surf, or even type a quick email. It can also provide you with a little assistance keeping a grip on your slippery devices.
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Best use white wash petrol/benzine to remove sticky material,but not too long contact on plastics !